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My gudesire was, by this time, far beyond the bounds of patience, and, while he and Laurie were at deil speed the liars, he was wanchancie aneugh to abuse Lapraik's doctrine as weel as the man, ond said things that garr'd folks' flesh grue that heard them; he wasna just himsell, and he had lived wi' a wild set in his day.

He was fairly well pleased with his success to date, but the grue of fear was still with him. He was getting part way where he wanted to be, but ... this was certainly no picnic he was muscling into. He remembered his father's injunction to take it easy at first, and grimaced wrily.

What's happent till him? Is he droont, or killt? The Lord preserve's! She'll dee o' 't." "Na, lass. It's a hantle waur nor a' that." In no other way than as torture could she conceive of worse than being killed. "Ye gar me grue," said Mrs Constable, with a shudder.

Indeed in this one-act farce Feydeau, with about as much trouble as Zeus took in transforming his godship into the semblance of a swan, has given you a well-rounded picture of middle-class life in France with its external and internal implications.... And how he understands the buoyant French grue, unselfconscious and undismayed in any situation.

At the hinder end, and a bit feared as was but natural, he lifted the hasp and into the manse; and there was Janet M'Clour before his een, wi' her thrawn craig, and nane sae pleased to see him. And he aye minded sinsyne, when first he set his een upon her, he had the same cauld and deidly grue. 'Janet, says he, 'have you seen a black man? 'A black man? quo' she.

See, Mary, the boat sinks down with him and his mortal flesh! We shall have Charon complaining of him anon." "Your Highness gars my flesh grue," was the answer of her faithful Mary. "Ah, ma mie! we have not left all hope behind. We can afford to smile at the doleful knight, ferried o'er on his back, in duteous and loyal submission to his task mistress. Child, Cicely, where art thou?

There was a sharp grue of ice in the air, as Mr. Nicholas Lovel climbed the rickety wooden stairs to his lodgings in Chancery Lane hard by Lincoln's Inn. That morning he had ridden in from his manor in the Chilterns, and still wore his heavy horseman's cloak and the long boots splashed with the mud of the Colne fords.

"Weel, 'cep it was the oonnaiteral luik o' the thing no human, an' yet sae dooms like it I can not account for the grue or the trimmle 'at cam ower me, my lord, I never fan' onything like it i' my life afore. "Go in at once," said the marquis fiercely. Malcolm looked him full in the eyes. "Ye mean what ye say, my lord?"

The indiscreet young woman had no retort. She flushed crimson over neck and shoulders, while Elodie, triumphant, swept away. But the ensuing dinner was not an exhilarating meal. She burned with the insult, dilated upon it, repeated over and over again her repartee, offered her costume to the frank criticism of Andrew and their guest. Did she look like a grue?

I suppose it was some signal agreed with Ringan, but at the time I thought the man had gone mad. I was not very sane myself. What I had seen had sent a cold grue through me, for I had never before seen a man die violently, and the circumstances of the place and hour made the thing a thousandfold more awful.