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There, in the great hall, they met the bridegroom and his six groomsmen; for it was the custom of that time and place to have a groomsman for each bridesmaid. The bridegroom and governor-elect was not a handsome man that was conceded even by his best friends but he was tall and muscular, with a look of strength, manliness and nobility that was impressive.

He would have lounged past, with a careless glance, but the procession halted by one consent, and the bride, taking a bottle and glass which her brother carried, proceeded to pour out a bumper of whisky, while the groomsman addressed Lord Meikleham. "Ye 're the bride's first fut, sir," he said. "What do you mean by that?" asked Lord Meikleham. "Here's the bride, sir: she'll tell ye."

After a brief and somewhat bare ceremony, they issued the bride walking between her brother and the groomsman, each taking an arm of the bride, and the company following mainly in trios. Thus arranged they walked eastward along the highroad, to meet the bride's firstfoot.

Time and elasticity of boyhood had so closed the sharp but evanescent wound in Billy's heart that he could stand the trial of being groomsman where he had wanted to be groom more especially since he was supported through the emergency by a little sister of Lottie's who promised to be wondrously like her by the time Billy could stand up in the more enviable capacity.

Ruskin, John: on metaphysics, 250; certain chapters, 336; pathetic fallacy, 337; plagiarism, 384. Russell, Ben., quoted, 267. Russell, Le Baron: on Sartor Resartus, 81, 82; groomsman, 83; aid in rebuilding the Old Manse, 272-279; Concord visit, 345. Saadi: a borrower, 205; times mentioned, 382. Sabbath: a blessing of Christianity, 123, 298. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, on poetry, 339.

The meeting, in spite of my attempt to decline it, appointed me one of the delegates, so that in getting Baker the nomination I shall be fixed a good deal like a fellow who is made groomsman to a man that has cut him out and is marrying his own dear 'gal."

De Stancy and his groomsman a brother officer slept at the former residence. De Stancy was a sorry specimen of a bridegroom when he met his sister in the morning. Thick-coming fancies, for which there was more than good reason, had disturbed him only too successfully, and he was as full of apprehension as one who has a league with Mephistopheles.

The previous evening we that is, the bride-elect, groom, bridesmaid, and groomsman, parents, and two or three friends had a private rehearsal, one of the friends assuming the part of clergyman. All went merry as a marriage bell. I was the soul of ease and grace: Fred was the awkward one, stepping on the bride's train, dropping the ring, and so forth. "I declare, Mr.

"Was she married to-day?" pursued the baronet, in an aggrieved tone. Lady Malmaison and the companion exchanged a terrified glance. "I think it is very unkind, then," declared the young man, reproachfully; "for Richard promised me I should be groomsman and now they have gone and got married while I was asleep.

But unfortunately the news of the approaching marriage had crept out, and got into the morning papers, and consequently the street before the church, the churchyard, and the church itself, were crowded with spectators. Way was made for the small bridal procession, which was met at the entrance by the bridegroom's party, consisting of himself, his "best man," and his second groomsman.