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If you'll do a little Greek grammar and construing with him in the mornings now and them, I shall be tremendously grateful. You see, owing to my miserable domestic circumstances, Jimmy is practically fatherless." "And you ask me to take his father's place!" was in Dion's mind.

Now the whole city appeared before him, and, as he looked at the cathedral, whose machicolated tower permitted the rosy hue of the sky to shine through, his heart rose again, and he gazed with grateful delight at the verdant spring attire of his home and the magnificence with which she greeted him; her returning son.

The dust also on the roads is laid and a grateful incense rises from the ground, the sides of the water chatty grow dark and moist and cool themselves in the hot air, and through the dripping interstices of the khuskhus tattie a chilly fragrance creeps into the room, causing the mercury in the thermometer to retreat from its proud place.

“I thank you, madam,” saidBuffaloWestabrook, bending on her one of his piercing scrutinies. “How ever the neighborhood accepted her, they have given her back her health. I can never be too grateful to them.”

Ginevra was so grateful to him for his attention to her father, and his efforts to draw him out of his gloom, that she came gradually to let a little light of favour shine upon him. And if the heart of Fergus Duff was drawn to her, that is not to be counted to him a fault neither that, his heart thus drawn, he should wish to marry her.

After all, there were many things to be thankful for: so many that they made insignificant the temporary inconvenience of the cold, the crowded boat, the darkness and the hundred and one things that in the ordinary way we might regard as unpleasant. Gratitude was the dominant note in our feelings then. But grateful as we were, our gratitude was soon to be increased a hundred fold.

No, Boy, you did exactly right and I am proud of you." "I am not particularly proud of myself." "You should be. Can't you see how differently Mr. Colton regards you already? He does not condescend or patronize now." "Humph! he is grateful because I helped his daughter out of a scrape, that's all." "It is more than that. He respects you because you are what he called you, a man.

Delancey you were not quite well. You are unacclimated, remember, and must take care of yourself. Go up stairs, and see if lying down awhile will not restore you." Although Arthur felt certain now, that Wilkins knew all, he felt inexpressibly grateful for his apparent ignorance of it, and his kindness towards him, and showed as much in his manner. "You hesitate would you rather not go?"

I believe that would come easier to you than T. T. I get fonder and fonder of you every day, Miss Alicia, honest Injun. And I'd be so grateful to you if you'd just be that unbecomingly familiar." He looked honestly in earnest; and if he grew fonder and fonder of her, she without doubt had, in the face of everything, given her whole heart to him. "Might I call you Temple to begin with?" she asked.

"Would Miss Bond kindly shake this powder into that cup of water and give it to that boy?" She did so, and was rewarded by the recipient's grateful look, as he said: "It don't seem at all nasty when YOU give it to me." "Would she hand tht one this bit of magnesia for his heartburn?"