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Updated: December 15, 2024
'Mith Gwynne thaid you were going to a London curacy; I thought it might be Tht Jameth'th. 'I believe not. If I go to London I shall probably be in the city a very different locality to St James's. 'Oh! when we are in town we alwayth go to Tht Jameth'th, it ith thuch a nice church. Freda perceived that Miss Nugent's interest fell as soon as she found that Rowland was going into the city.
There ith one at Tht Jameth'th, with a pale face and black hair, and thuch a beautiful voice. Ith Mr Prothero going to Tht Jameth'th? 'You shall ask him yourself; I daresay he will like you to seem interested. 'Are you going to Tht Jameth'th, Mr Prothero? inquired Miss Nugent, when that young man entered the room shortly after. 'I beg your pardon, I do not quite understand what you mean.
He says tht in civil suits the jury are "Sworn well and truly to try the issue between the parties; and a true verdict to give according to the evidence." 3 Blackstone, 365. "The issue" to be tried is whether A owes B anything and if so, how much? or whether A has in his possession anything that belongs to B; or whether A has wronged B, and ought to make compensation; and if so, how much?
"Would Miss Bond kindly shake this powder into that cup of water and give it to that boy?" She did so, and was rewarded by the recipient's grateful look, as he said: "It don't seem at all nasty when YOU give it to me." "Would she hand tht one this bit of magnesia for his heartburn?"
A heavy silence followed her words, the only sound that of Tison's faint sniffings, as, his nose outstretched and moving from side to side, he cautiously savored the air in Mr. Potts's direction. Mrs. Potts stirred slightly, and uttered a sharp, "Tht tht." Mr. Potts, his hand still stayed in his beard, gazed from under the fringed penthouse of his brows with an arrested, bovine look.
'I should wish to labour wherever there is the largest field to work in, Miss Nugent, whether in the city or St James's. 'Yeth, to be sure, I believe there are loths of poor people in Tht Jameth'th. I onthe went by chance into thuch a nathty alley clothe by Tht Jameth'th Threet. Thuch dirty children!
She also saw a smile lurking about Rowland's mouth when he said, 'I have never been in London; but I suppose St James's is one of the fashionable parts. 'Oh yeth, very. Numberth of grand people go to Tht Jameth'th; don't you with you were going to be curate there instead of the thity? Rowland was grave in a moment.
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