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DORA. "Oh yes, madam, that is very shocking. Poor, unhappy Kumba! What a life of wretchedness was hers." MR. WILTON. "Grandy's story must conclude our conversation to-night. At the next meeting we will endeavor to explore the coast of Africa, and visit the islands of the Indian Ocean.

The tide wind blew in softly from the river; the lights in the quaint old gas fixtures flared waveringly, but the wide room was very still. In Grandy's "forty winks" leather chair by the fireside sat Felicia, her hair smoothly parted, her tiny figure trig in one of the Sculptor Girl's much mended frocks.

Some nice baked apples soon smoked on the table, with cakes of Grandy's own making, intended expressly for the children, and which gave universal satisfaction. The meeting dispersed about half-past ten, and all felt the wiser for their evening's amusement. There lives and works A soul in all things, and that soul is God! For a few minutes we will quit the "Research," and take a peep into Mr.

"Grandy's sure had his nerve cutting my timber with never so much as a by-your-leave." Their foreman was with them; one glance singled him out. He was of that type chosen always by old man Packard to head any one of the Packard units, a sort of confident mastery in his very stride, the biggest man of them, unkempt and heavy, with a brutal face and hard eyes. Joe Woods, his name.

Can you wonder that they loved this amazing person who tugged their hearts this way and that with ail the dear old songs that those they'd loved best had once sung to them? Janet's crooning Scotch songs, Molly's wistful Irish ballads, Margot's naughty French and Marthy's sentimental loves, Grandy's English favorites too, it seemed as though she could never give them enough of them ten minutes!

It had no stately panelled walls like those that had been painted in the background of the portrait of Grandy's father. Nor did she understand when she was at last ushered into the Justice's presence that he was the man she had been waiting to see. He did not wear a white curly wig and he did not wear a black satin gown the way Grandy's father had.

George was hesitating, but an encouraging smile from this kind mother inspired him with confidence, and he commenced without further ceremony: MR. WILTON. "Well done! George; very nicely repeated indeed: you are a most promising member of our little society; and we will drink your health in some of Grandy's elder-wine to-night at supper, and not forget the honors to be added thereto.

We shall bring it up from the hall. It's a beautiful picture you'll just admire him! And to think we haven't unpacked the books, Grandy's father's books " she smiled over her shoulder at Dulcie as she always smiled when she quoted that slangy young person, "That will be Some Law!"

First I'll go find the Portia Person and while he is attending to everything I will send a letter to Dudley Hamilt's house then I will go to Grandy's house and wait for Dudley Hamilt to come oh! oh! Babiche I can't arrange things clearly in mind, I can't no matter how I try! Only I must " So over and over to the roar of the train she tried to drill herself.

The Portia Person and the young lawyer bent over a long table littered with papers from the young lawyer's portfolio and the storeroom trunks. They were sitting in the young lawyer's room, the room that had been Grandy's and from the mantelpiece the portrait of Grandy's father looked down upon them. His faintly ironical smile seemed to mock their baffled efforts to disentangle the mystery.