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"They say she's handsomer than Gra Gal Sullivan," said Hanlon; "and I think myself she is." "I don't know; it's a dead tie between them; however, I can give you a lift with her father, but not with herself, for somehow, she doesn't like a bone in my skin."

"Grace had to go home for a a day or so and Keziah had things to attend to at the parsonage. Don't you fret yourself about them." "I'm not fretting, but it does seem strange. I could understand why one should go, perhaps, but not both. Didn't Gra Miss Van Horne tell you why she went?" "Well, now, Mr. Ellery, don't let's worry about Gracie. She's a good girl with lots of common sense and "

Wilbur gets sore, for since I commenced wearing those pink tights he doped out a great dramatic career for me. And naturally he was vexed. For he saw no show of being able to lay off work. "Wilbur started to chide me. I was in too gra' a nervousness state to be chid' an' I tol' him sho. Did he have compassion and pity on muh in my vis-vis-situdes? No! Abso-o-o-lutely no!

"There's one thing that will make me still happier than I am," said Connor. "What is it? If it's proper and right I'll do it." "Promise me that if I live you'll never marry any one else than me." "You wish then to have the promise all on one side," she replied with a smile and a blush, each as sweet as ever captivated a human heart. "No, no, no, my darling Una, acushla gra gal machree, no!

The friend that she speaks of is the girl the blessed girl whose goodness is in every one's mouth Gra Gal Sullivan. I know it, I feel it." "Now," said the woman, "I must go; but before I go, I wish to look on the face of Condy Dalton." "There's a bit of rush on the shelf there," said Mrs. Dalton to one of her daughters; "bring it over and light it."

Soon after the boy would sit down near the table in the morning and, fingering the Slavonic alphabet, repeat after his aunt: "Az, Buky, Vedy." When they reached "bra, vra, gra, dra" for a long time the boy could not read these syllables without laughter.

I'll now go in an' spake to your father on this business; but I forgot to say that I must see Gra Gal soon, to let her know our plans; so do you make your mind aisy, and lave the management of the whole thing in my hands." CHAPTEE XIV. A Middleman Magistrate of the Old School, and his Clerk.

This interview lasted, at least, a quarter of an hour, or it might be twenty minutes, but as the object of it did not then transpire, we can only explain the appearances which followed it, so far at least, as the parties themselves were concerned. The Gra Gal, as we shall occasionally call her, seemed pleased, if not absolutely gratified, by the conversation that passed between them.

Previous, however, to breakfast, the prophet had a private interview with Mave, or the Gra Gal, as she was generally termed to denote her beauty and extraordinary power of conciliating affection; Gra Gal signifying the fair love, or to give the more comprehensive meaning which it implied, the fair-haired beauty whom all love, or who wins all love.

"Gra' mercy!" whispered one, as she passed, "she hath daggers in her eyes, as well as in her girdle." "Ay, and pistols in her voice," said a saucy page, who served at the Queen's table; "when she saith 'Sirrah! I have ever a mind to drop upon my knees and beg for my life." But Grace O'Malley soon tired of the stately gayeties of the court.