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Such mean born animals have no right to attend the Mighty-in-Pomp, the Lord-of-Light," etc., etc. She rolled out the titles sonorously, determined that if she was docked of dignity in one way she would have it in another. Now it was not very hard to catch the big black golliwog of a dog, even though he did snarl and snap and try to bite.

And out of this arose the only sadness of the happy May days when the little party once more journeyed out to Babar's tomb towards evening to sit under the arghawân trees and watch the sunset. Of course Dearest-Lady was not there, but all the others were assembled, and Down, the cat, purred as loud as ever, while Tumbu, the dog, frolicked round even more like a golliwog than before.

Ena forgot for a moment that she badly needed help from her brother and began sharply to catechize him. "When did you buy me a dress? The day Lord Raygan offered to go back to that room and choose me one and I said no, I didn't want a dress?" "Yes. That was the day. I couldn't let her try it on in vain." "Oh, you bought it to please her the girl like a golliwog?"

For the addition of a model, dressmaking golliwog to the family would be the final obstacle. Lord Raygan was now undecided. He was perhaps waiting to see how the rest of the Rollses shaped up. If he could stand them as relations, all would be well. All must be well! That night Win wore for her walk a long blue coat in place of the mackintosh.

"A what?" "A symbol of our broken love." "I don't see how you make that out. It's a golliwog." "I can never marry you now." "What! Good heavens! Don't be absurd." "I can't." "Oh, go on, have a dash at it," he said encouragingly, though his heart was sinking. She shook her head. "No, I couldn't." "Oh, hang it all!" "I couldn't. I'm a strange girl...." "You're a darned silly girl...."

"Dads," she exclaimed, two months before the beginning of this story, having enticed him to her bedroom one night and offered him cream chocolates as he eat at the foot of her bed, facing her. "Dads, what am I to do? Guy Danvers says he is coming to see you to-morrow, and I I am sure it will only turn out to be well you, know." "But, Golliwog dear, I'm the one to be pitied.

She would have been willing to pay well for it, and for Miss Child's length of limb, so necessary to show off the latest fashions. She saw and appreciated the odd, golliwog charm of wide-apart eyes under high arch of brow. And the full, laughing mouth, with the short upper lip, was beautiful, like the mouths of marvellous girls on magazine covers.

Let him arrange the thing upside down if he wants to!" Joe's futility certainly had something of the comic order about it. He had a dramatic fashion of rolling his eyes when expectant of rebuke, which was by no means seldom. And the vastness of his smile was almost bewildering. Sylvia had never been able quite to accustom herself to his smile. "He's exactly like a golliwog, isn't he?" said Guy.

"A symbol of our broken love." "I don't see how you make that out. It's a golliwog." "I can never marry you now." "What! Good heavens! Don't be absurd." "I can't!" "Oh, go on, have a dash at it," he said encouragingly, though his heart was sinking. She shook her head. "No, I couldn't." "Oh, hang it all!" "I couldn't. I'm a very strange girl...." "You're a very silly girl...."

II y a toujours en nous quelque chose qui veut ramper, said Pere de Ravignan, and to this the Golliwog makes strong appeal. It is only too easy to let go, and the Golliwog playfellow says that it is quite right to do so he does it himself.