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"In the cool of the morning you see the doors of the cafes thronged with people taking their coffee and sitting on chairs in the streets for some distance round. At mezzo giorno the streets are deserted, the shop-doors are closed, and all is still; they have all gone to their siesta, their midday sleep.

Beneath its outward meaning lies a prophecy of joy, but that joy is to be reached only through the gates of death. "Giorno d'orrore." Wheels rolled away in the distance; the corner of a gray cloak fluttered where the drive turns down hill. From under the fore-wheel of Juggernaut I struggled back to life with a great sob, that died before it sounded.

He caught no glimpse of the Duchessa. Yet he took no steps to get his boxes packed. And then Marietta fell ill. One morning, when she came into his room, to bring his tea, and to open the Venetian blinds that shaded his windows, she failed to salute him with her customary brisk "Buon giorno, Signorino." Noticing which, and wondering, he, from his pillow, called out, "Buon' giorno, Marietta."

And Peppina was on the island, a girl from the stews of Naples; not wicked, perhaps, rather wronged, injured by life nevertheless, the niece of that horror of the Galleria. He thought of Vere and shuddered. Next day towards four o'clock the Marchesino strolled into Artois' room, with a peculiarly impudent look of knowledge upon his face. "Buon giorno, Caro Emilio," he said. "Are you busy?"

But your high fortune has come on you too soon: I don't mean the professor's mantle that is roomy enough to hide a few stolen chickens, but Messer Endymion minded his manners after that singular good fortune of his; and what says our Luigi Pulci? "`Da quel giorno in qua ch'amor m'accese Per lei son fatto e gentile e cortese."

He was stout, with a good-natured expression on his hearty, rosy face, and a fine twinkle in his eye, which lighted up pleasantly as he saw the strangers enter. Tozer at once held out his hand and shook that of the priest. "Buon giorno," said the priest. Ethel shook her head. "Parlate Italiano?" said he. Ethel shook her head. "Salve, domine," said Tozer, who at once plunged headlong into Latin.

Vanna's cheeks flew the flag. "Buon' giorno, Ser Baldassare!" shrilled La Testolina, plump and black-eyed leader of mischief. "Giorno, giorno, La Testolina," growled the old man. Vanna, very busy, grew as red as a rose. The others knelt back on their heels; compliments of a homely sort flew about, sped on by flashing teeth.

Just as we were passing the ancient church of Or San Michele, with its wonderful armorial bearings by Luca della Robbia, an old man with long white hair and beard, whom I took to be one of the mangy painters who copy the masterpieces in the Uffizi or the Pitti, passed by, and raising his hat, wished the pair: "Buon giorno!"

My beautiful white forehead, thus bared, gave me a royal air, and at the back I let two curls hang, waved just at the end. Gown of dove-grey taffeta and a white fichu. In short, Marie Antoinette in miniature. I felt well satisfied, and gazed at the base multitude from the height of my grandeur. Lighting a giorno. I was looked at quite enough. He could not help staring at me like the rest.

He replies with the barcarole, "Piu bello sorse il giorno," a lovely melody, which has been the delight of all tenors. At the conclusion of the duet he beholds Fenella about to throw herself into the sea. He calls to her and she rushes into his arms and describes to him the story of her wrongs.