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Grandma handed it to him with the complaisant remark, "Mine and Georgia's sind fine; but Eliza's shows that she forgot herself and ist watching how the thing ist being made."

"We can take care of him. The Senator won't see him." Carolina caught the suggestion. "Tell Mr. Haines that Senator Langdon regrets that he cannot possibly receive him," she directed. "Carolina!" There was a ring of protest and pain in Hope Georgia's voice as she darted out of the door after the servant. "What's the matter with that girl?" asked Norton, trying to be calm. Carolina shook her head.

He handed the silver flask to Lionel, who found engraved on the side of it a merry and ingenious device, consisting of two briar-root pipes, crossed, and surrounded by a heraldic garter bearing the legend "Dulce est de-sip-ere in loco?" Was this Miss Georgia's little joke? Anyhow, he pocketed the flask with much gratitude; he guessed he might have need of it, if all tales were true.

Finally, as a way out of the difficulty, she decided that we should attend school alternate months, during the summer; and that my sister, being the elder, should begin the course. It seemed to me that Georgia's month at school would never end. My own sped faster than I wished.

Amidst the baggage, and over the canoes, swarmed the Georgia's passengers, in their flannel shirts or broadcloth or muddy white, shouting and pleading and threatening, trying to hire the boatmen. "There's your father," spoke Mr. Grigsby, suddenly, to Charley, as their boat neared the busy landing.

I've fairly lived in other people's rooms, so that she'd never find me at home, and that hurt my poor little roommate's feelings, so the other day I had to tell her what the matter was. I've never told any one else I hate people who talk about that sort of thing but I've been just miserable over it, indeed I have! And now it seems worse than ever." Georgia's big brown eyes filled with tears.

The one that wins the race must send Polly some flowers," added the tall ghost maliciously as the twins, blushing violently at this barefaced reference to their rivalry for Polly's affections, took their matches, and at Georgia's signaled "One, two, three, go!" began their race.

The consequence of this intercommunication of the sexes from childhood, in the primitive days of Georgia's first settlement, was seen in the harmony of families. In the age which followed, a separation or divorce was as rare as an earthquake; and when occurring, agitated the whole community.

That was the only difference, for yes, even the one little pearl that Nita had lost of the circle was missing here. Betty didn't hear Georgia's answer to her question. She turned back to the stage, which swayed sickeningly as she watched it.

He made a negro an assistant in a post-office where think of it! he had to work at the next desk to a white girl, the daughter of a colonel, one of the first families of Georgia's modern chivalry, and all the weary, weary rest of it. The Southern chivalry howled, and hanged or burned some one in effigy. Perhaps it was the President, and perhaps it was the negro but the principle remains the same.