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'Don't tell me that in your country there are no children's rooms. 'There are nurseries, said Anthea doubtfully, 'but the furniture's all cornery and hard, like other rooms. 'How shocking! said the lady;'you must be VERY much behind the times in your country!

She moaned, "Oh, but he did he did. He's cared so awfully. That's the dreadful part of it. You can see he has. Just look at those vases and those cabinets and things. And think of the money the poor thing must have spent on it!" "But," I said, "it's so unlike him. His taste for furniture's impeccable. The old house was perfect. So, in its way, was the cottage."

Show him into the drawing-room." "A gentleman by himself into the drawing-room? "No, sir, no. The floor was waxed only yesterday, and the furniture's not yet in order." "Very well! I'll see him in here." My uncle went into the dining-room underneath me, and for twenty minutes I heard nothing more of him, save the ring of his wineglass as he struck on it to summon Madeleine.

And Raffles was smiling in my face as he held the door wide for my escape. "You told me a lie!" I gasped in whispers. "I did nothing of the sort," he replied. "The furniture's the furniture of Hector Carruthers; but the house is the house of Lord Lochmaben. Look here!" He had stooped, and was smoothing out the discarded envelope of a telegram.

"The furniture's safe," I said; "it won't walk away." "Of course it's safe," he answered with a suspicion of a sneer; "but when'll it be paid for?" "I don't know; go away!" I said. "I've written to my father." The fellow looked at me with open admiration. "Better 'tend to this thing; better write again to your father," he said and walked off, leaving me cold and tremulous with rage.

Peggy, that air new furniture's the rambunctionest stuff thet ever come inter these parts, an' it'll make the ol' house bloom like a rose in Spring. But folks like us hain't got no call to tech it. You fetch school-teacher." Peggy sighed.

'They arrived in three hired flies, the butler remarked deferentially, as he handed a dish: 'they don't keep their own carriage, and the furniture's of the poorest. 'Ah, replied my mother, 'so much the better. My father gave her a chilly glance; she was silent.

Now that his furniture's in, he surely canna keep us in the dark much loanger!" Their curiosity was soon appeased. Within a week they were privileged to read the notice here appended: "Mr.

The moment her son entered the room, her ladyship exclaimed, "Every thing pleasant at once! Here's your father tells me, Grace's velvet furniture's all packed: really Soho's the best man in the world of his kind, and the cleverest and so, after all, my dear Colambre, as I always hoped and prophesied, at last you will marry an heiress."

Anyway, we've got a snap here, and next Saturday afternoon you've gotta get off from the laundry so as we can go an' buy our furniture. I saw Salinger's last night. I give'm fifty down, and the rest installment plan, ten dollars a month. In twenty-five months the furniture's ourn. An' remember, Saxon, you wanta buy everything you want, no matter how much it costs.