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From that time forward, as soon as Froggy came out of its hole, it hopped fearlessly towards the old cat, who constituted herself its protector, and would allow no one to disturb it. Imitate the kind cat, and be kind to the most humble, however odd their looks. Sometimes at school and elsewhere you may find some friendless little fellow. Prove his protector. Be not less benevolent than a cat.

Could I win to my heart the smile of a woman who brings me that dower, the home of my fathers would lose its gloom. And therefore, if at that time I had become familiarly acquainted with her who had thus attracted my eye and engaged my thoughts, she might have become my destiny; but now!" "But now?" "Things have changed. I am no longer poor, friendless, solitary.

The girl was young, inexperienced and singularly friendless: Sir Marmaduke felt convinced that none of the foreign transactions could ever be directly traced to himself. He would be prudent and Europe was wide, and he meant to leave English grants and securities severely alone. He had mused and pondered on his plans all day.

But the truth is, you don't know the world, or you would think and act very differently." "Thomas," she replied, whilst her eyes filled with tears, "I am almost weary of life. There is not one living individual to whom I can turn for sympathy or comfort. Papa has forbidden me to visit Lady Gourlay or Mrs. Mainwaring; and I am now utterly friendless, with the exception of God alone.

"Oh I am safe enough," said the Girl. "It isn't that. I'm so lonely. I've made up my mind not to grieve for mother, but I miss her so now. I feel so friendless." "But, honey," said the Harvester, "you mustn't do that! Don't you see how all of us love you? Here is Granny shutting up her house and living here, just to be with you. The nurse will do anything you say.

The hills rise from the water's edge, and if ever a narrow vale divides them, it is but to open drearier solitudes to the eye. In such a valley would stand a saw-mill, and huddled about it a few poor huts, while a friendless road, scarce discernible from the boat, wound up from the river through the valley, and led to wildernesses all the forlorner for the devastation of their forests.

"Then " said I, and was silent for a long time, watching the play of the moonbeams on the rippling water. "Well?" said she again at last. "Then," said I, "if you are friendless, God forbid that I should refuse you the shelter of even such a place as this so if you are homeless, and without money stay here if you will so long as it pleases you."

Like the poor, dead leaf of the song, she was wastrel, torn from the parent bough, homeless, friendless, having turned against the one hand which, in this great time of peril, had been extended to her in kindness and in love. Conscience was beginning to rise up against her, and that hydra-headed tyrant Remorse.

Simon, my impression is that no provision whatever has been made for the poor thing, and that our Nina is is utterly destitute and friendless." Here Miss Susannah gave a little scream, whereat her sister glared austerely, and resumed the spectacles she had taken off to dry. "Not friendless, aunt," exclaimed Simon, in a great heat and fuss; "never friendless so long as we are all above ground.

Some of Charles de Bernard's folk are more akin to us, such as "La Femme de Quarante Ans," and the owner of the hound Justinian, and that drunken artist in "Gerfaut." But an Englishman is rather friendless, rather an alien and an outcast, in the society of French fiction.