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He adverted with bitterness to the journey to Spain a little excursion laid out precisely with his friend Probert for the last weeks of the spring, the first of the southern summer, the time of the long days and the real light. Gaston Probert re-echoed his regrets, for though he had no business with Miss Francina, whose name he yet liked, he also wanted to see her again.

Waterlow had come to an understanding with his visitors it had been settled that Miss Francina should sit for him at his first hour of leisure. Unfortunately that hour hovered before him as still rather distant he was unable to make a definite appointment. He had sitters on his hands, he had at least three portraits to finish before going to Spain.

Behold now our ex-courier and adventurer in all his new glory as Grand Chamberlain and lover of a future Queen of England, as Baron della Francina, Knight of two Orders and Grand Master of a third, while every post of profit in that vagrant Court was held by some member of his family!

One's own acceptance of one's bliss in such a case ended the matter, and the effort to bring round those who gave her the cold shoulder was scarcely consistent with the highest spirit. Young Probert explained that of course he felt his relatives would only have to know Francina to like her, to delight in her, yet also that to know her they would first have to make her acquaintance.

Dosson's apartments and then go and tell Miss Francina he awaited her there. "Oh you'll be better there than in the zalon they've villed it with their luccatch," said the man, who always addressed him in an intention of English and wasn't ignorant of the tie that united the visitor to the amiable American family, or perhaps even of the modifications it had lately undergone. "With their luggage?"

Pergami had now been promoted from equerry to Grand Chamberlain to Her Royal Highness, and as further evidence of her favour, she bought for him in Sicily an estate which conferred on its owner the title of Baron della Francina.

The difficulty was in application, in practice as to which the painter declared that all would be easy if such account hadn't to be taken of the marquise, the comtesse and what was the other one? the princess. It was at Granada that Gaston had really broken out; there, one balmy night, he had dropped into his comrade's ear that he would marry Francina Dosson or would never marry at all.

George Flack had found him sitting in the court of the hotel he sat a great deal in the court of the hotel and had gone up to him with characteristic directness and asked him for Miss Francina. Poor Mr.

"You can't do that with a dull knife!" "No. You can't do it with a weak hand. I saw a murdered sailor on the wharf one day he was cut up just like this." Silence. "And where is his mother?" asks some one, nodding at the curtain. "Selly is taking care of her. Selly took her to her house." An old fisherman quietly asks his neighbour: "Who told you?" "Francina woke me. Who told you, Marle?"

It is of interest to note that among the acts passed by the Maryland Assembly is one dated 1666, which provides for the naturalization of "Augustine Herman of Prague, in the Kingdom of Bohemia, Ephraim Georgius and Casparus, Sonns to the said Augustine, Anna Margarita, Judith and Francina, his daughters," this being the first act of naturalization passed by any of the colonies.