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His foreboding was right, for in the early hours of the morning his wife, bending over him, saw a bright smile upon his tanned, weather-beaten face. Raising himself upon his pillow he touched his forelock, as is the habit of sailor-men, and so sank slowly and peacefully back into the long sleep which wakes when the night has ceased to be.

Of course, everybody knew that Emancipation must come sooner or later, but fore-thought, prudence, and readiness to take time by the forelock are not among the prominent traits of the Russian character. Hence most of the land-owners were taken unawares. But while all suffered, there were differences of degree. Some were completely shipwrecked.

Then the boys threw themselves upon the ground to rest after several hours of constant riding. One of the cowboys in the outfit, Sol Flatbush by name, stood staring at the old man and the boy. He was scratching his forelock in a meditative sort of way, as if trying to remember something. "What is it, Solly? I reckon what yer tryin' ter think of is that ye've forgot yer supper," said Bud.

But there's things that takes the finest kind o' wit to see through, and you can't make a bead-purse out of a sow's-ear, neither jerk Time by the forelock, when there a'n't a hair, as you can see, to hang on to. I dunno as you'll rightly take my meanin'; but never mind, all the same, I'm flummuxed, and it's the longest and hardest flummux o' my life!"

After that they were seen into the house, Bolli was of the merriest towards them, and Olaf responded to that most heartily, but Kjartan was rather silent. The stallion was great and goodly, and had never failed at fight; it was light of coat, with red ears and forelock. Three mares went with it, of the same hue as the stallion.

"The goods which you ordered, madam," spoke up one of the sailors, with a grin which he had copied from Captain Tabor, and pulled a forelock and ducked his head. "The goods," said she, speaking faintly, for hers was rather the headlong course of enthusiasm than the secret windings of diplomacy. "Art thou gone daft, sweetheart?

However, when I considered, on the other hand, the joys attending the possession of twenty thousand pounds, I forgot her imperfections, seized occasion by the forelock, and tried to insinuate myself into her affection.

Laughing at his own want of memory, Percival put some silver into Beck's hand, more silver than Beck had ever before received for similar service, and said, "Well, my man, I suppose I can trust you to take my horse to his stables, No. , the Mews, behind Curzon Street. Poor fellow, he wants his supper, and you, too, I suppose!" Beck smiled a pale, hungry smile, and pulled his forelock politely.

The States must seize the occasion, he repeated. It was bald behind, and must be grasped by the forelock. It was not enough to have begun well. One must end well. "Finis coronat opus." It was very easy to speak of a league, but a league was not to be made in order to sit with arms tied, but to do good work.

He can compose a good campaign beforehand, but he cannot improvise one out of the events of the moment, as is the wont of great generals. Occasion seldom offers her forelock twice to the grasp of the same man, and yet General McClellan, by the admission of the Rebels themselves, had Richmond at his mercy more than once.