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Three people died last night." Sir Nigel's face was not a good thing to see when he appeared at the dinner table in the evening. As he took his seat the two footmen glanced quickly at each other, and the butler at the sideboard furtively thrust out his underlip.

The grand apartments hung with black, the great chairs of state, raised on several steps, and surmounted by a canopy adorned with Plumes; the caparisoned horses, the immense retinue in Court mourning, the enormous shoulder-knots, embroidered with gold and silver spangles, which decorated the coats of the pages and footmen, all this magnificence had such an effect on my senses that I could scarcely support myself when introduced to the Princesses.

Peters, go on with the dinner." With small precise steps he walked out of the door which one of the footmen had hastened to throw open. A momentary silence fell on the group; then Mr. Grisben once more addressed himself to Rainer. "You ought to have gone, my boy; you ought to have gone." The anxious look returned to the youth's eyes. "My uncle doesn't think so, really."

"Forward" was still the veteran's cry: and through the cavalry they cut their way: through hostile footmen that had stolen round to the village they also burst, and at last found shelter near Bergères. "Words fail me," wrote Colonel Hudson Lowe, "to express my admiration at their undaunted and manly behaviour." This gallant retreat shed lustre over the rank and file.

Colbrand had taken a turn together, somewhere; and she would not come in, but sat fretting on a seat in the fore-yard, with her woman by her; and, at last, said to one of the footmen, Do you, James, stay to attend my nephew; and we'll take the road we came. Mrs. Jewkes went to her ladyship, and said, Your ladyship will be pleased to stay dinner; 'tis just coming upon table?

How could you dare disobey my instructions?" "But, your excellency, I did obey them," answered Schluter. "Not a human being besides the footmen has been permitted to enter here, and even those I drove out two hours ago, and shut the doors."

Mardonius’s shout had no answer. Here, there, he saw horsemen and footmen, now singly, now in small companies, drifting backward across the plain to the last refuge of the defeated, the stockaded camp by the Asopus. The Prince called on his cavalry, so few about him now. “Shall we die as scared dogs? Remember the Aryan glory. Another charge!” His bravest seemed never to hear him.

There was another long silence. "I was a fool, of course, to put them there," resumed Ralph. "Charles told me so; but I thought they were as safe there as anywhere, if no one knew and no one did except the house party." "Were any of the servants about?" asked Marston. "Not one. They had all gone to bed except one of the footmen, who was putting out the lamps in the supper-room, miles away."

The faëry took from her pocket a beautiful pair of elastic glass slippers, which she caused Cinderella to put on, and then desired her to get into the carriage with all expedition, as the ball had already commenced. Two footmen opened the carriage door, and assisted the now beautifully dressed Cinderella into it.

They add twenty-four footmen in livery, besides a boy in codroys for the knives & shoes. They had nine meels aday Shampayne and pineapples were served to each of the young ladies in bed before they got up. Was it Prawns, Sherry-cobblers, lobster-salids, or maids of honor, they had but to ring the bell and call for what they chose.