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"Let's try the kitchen," he suggested. "We started with that, last time: and, if my memory holds good, 'tis the only chimney he uses. He beds in a small room right over us, next the roof, and keeps a fire going there through the winter: but the flue of it leads into the same shaft a pretty wide shaft as I rec'llect."

The two fluids dropped through the funnel on to a piece of pipe which caused them to splatter; oil soaked rags were used to start the combustion and then the flames quickly roared along under the steel plate and up the flue pipe. The heat was controlled by adjusting the flow of the fluids in the cans. Our small Drawing Office was so heated.

As it is difficult to obtain flue linings of exactly the desired area, it is better to select a size slightly larger, rather than one smaller, and so make sure of sufficient capacity under all weather conditions. Between the lintel of the fireplace and the point where the flue commences come the three structural features so stressed by Count Rumford.

A rope comes through the beamed roof, and a man in the corner pulls it and clashes the bell a whity-brown man, whose clothes were once black- -a man with flue on him, and cobweb. He stares at me, wondering how I come there, and I stare at him, wondering how he comes there. Through a screen of wood and glass, I peep into the dim church. About twenty people are discernible, waiting to begin.

The products resulting from such combustion pass into the chambers, B, and then into the chimney, through the pipe, R. The temperature then rapidly lowers in the chambers, B', and rises no less rapidly in the generator, A, while the chambers, B, are soon heated to the same temperature that first existed in the chambers, B'. As soon as the desired temperature is obtained in the generator, A, and the chambers, B, the air is shut off by closing the valve, I', of the pipe, O'; the valve, F', of the flue, E', is also closed, the valves, G' and K', of the pipes, M' and Q', are opened, the valves, G, H, and L, of the pipes, M, N, and R, are closed, and the valve, F, of the flue, E, and the valve, J, of the pipe, P, are opened.

The barn itself was made of logs, the interstices closely chinked and daubed with clay, so as to make it almost air-tight. Around the building on the inside ran a large stone flue, like a chimney laid on the ground. Outside was a huge pile of wood and a liberal supply of charcoal.

First he closed the flue, then he went around and snuffed out the candles. "No, no!" cried the womenfolk, "don't put out the lights!" "You must let me do what is best for all of us," said the old man. One of the girls caught hold of his coat. "Is the mountain dog dangerous?" she asked. "No, not he, but what comes after." "And what comes after?" Again the old man listened.

This and a severe outbreak of Spanish 'flue provided him with a regular hundred patients a day. He himself had bitter personal experience of the boils. We never saw him without one for ten weeks. His own method of dealing with their excruciating tenderness was to swathe his face in cotton-wool and sticking-plaster.

He told me that they were able to communicate with him by means of the flue of the chimney, but on asking him why he persisted in not revealing his name and the cause of his imprisonment, he replied that such an avowal would be fatal not only to him but to those to whom he made it.

When this work is being done the radial arm is brought into the lowest position. Flue holes 40 in. in diameter can thus be cut out. The machine has a 4 in. steel spindle with self-acting variable feed motion through a range of 10 in., and the radial arm is raised or lowered by power through a range of 2 ft. 8 in.