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There, sparkling in the fire-glow, was the desire of the world, the white, streaming flame of diamonds, the heart's blood of rubies, and sapphires the blue of the sea and the sky all their life and radiance imprisoned in a dew-drop. "How beautiful they are!" he cried involuntarily, but what he really meant was, "How beautiful you are!" She started and looked up at him in surprise.

Now while Ulf yet stood to stare amazed upon this wondrous axe, upon its sharp-glittering, flawless edge, Walkyn had risen, dagger in hand; but even as he crouched to spring, a voice spake a gentle voice but commanding; and in the fire-glow stood the white Abbess, tall and gracious, the silver crucifix agleam upon her bosom.

His face, in the ruddy fire-glow, as he studied the thing he now held in his hand, must have been very terrible. "Cloth! Torn! But but then " He flung from him the bit of the girl's cloak which, ripped and shredded as though by a powerful hand, cried disaster. "Beatrice!" he shouted. "Where are you? Beatrice!" To the doorway in the cliff he ran, shaken and trembling.

The girls cast grave glances at the drooping birch, and their bright tears glistened in the fire-glow. Once more Joe's eyes glinted with that steely flash, and as he gazed out over the wide, darkening expanse of water his face grew cold and rigid.

Buster loved the moonlight evenings when Uncle Squeaky's band, looking very fine in the gay uniforms, marched along the Lake shore and played the music which he had written. He was also delighted when they gathered in the fire-glow around Uncle Squeaky's fireplace and nibbled roasted corn, baked potatoes, toasted cheese, and other goodies. He could not decide which was nicer.

So saying, he arose, albeit furtively, and slipping forthwith into the shadow, crept furtively away until the fire-glow was lost and hidden far behind him. Then, very suddenly, he betook him to his heels, and coming to the forest-road, fled southwards towards Duke Ivo's great camp that lay on Barham Broom.

But in the evenings he could sit in the fire-glow and listen to the wind and to the coyotes and the gray wolves, and weave stories that even the most hyper-critical of editors could not fail to find convincing. By day he could push the coffee-box that held his typewriter over by the frosted window when he had an hour or two to spare and whang away at a rate which filled Gene with wonder.

"For" him that was the extraordinary thing, and not less so that he was already, within three minutes, after this fashion, taking it in as by the intensity of a new light; a light that was one somehow with this rich inner air of the plush-draped and much-mirrored hotel, where the fire-glow and the approach of evening confirmed together the privacy, and the loose curtains at the wide window were parted for a command of his old lifelong Parade the field of life so familiar to him from below and in the wind and the wet, but which he had never in all the long years hung over at this vantage.

They had gone out on the verandah again now, and she looked across at the lake that glimmered red in the fire-glow. "You didn't seem to think women a pastime in those lectures of yours three years ago. You said then that they were man's heel of Achilles. You seemed rather in a panic about them " He nodded his head and, meeting her intent eyes, decided that she had to be taken seriously.

Down the draw where there were no horses feeding an Indian in dirty overalls and gingham shirt and moccasins, and with his hair bobbed to his collar, stood up and peered toward the vague figures grouped in the fire-glow.