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" that we may see, Thou art indeed the empress of the sea." It is curious enough that he himself was afterwards guilty of nearly as illicit a rhyme in his song "When 'tis night," and always defended it: "But when the fight's begun, Each serving at his gun."

This fight's won, boys. Silence in the ranks!" He was just in time to stop a cheer, after which we listened to the sounds of the engagement or pursuit, now growing more distant, and I asked a question or two of my father, who now returned to my side. "Your aunt, my boy? She is safe in Pietermaritzburg.

The boy, full of the old nick, found an Orderly's horse nipping the grass close by the path to the spring and, boy like, jumped on its back. The clatter of the canteens frightened the horse, and he broke into a dead run. "Do ye s'pose the fight's really over?" whispered Pete to Alf Russell, who was just behind him. "Don't you think the rebels just let go to get a fresh hold?"

Van Pelt, all the pictures are over where the fight's going on!" "Pictures, shmictures! Come on!" I got out in front of the candy store, and the only thing he could do was follow me. Whatever they were doing, they were making the devil's own racket about it.

He was carried away by the enthusiasm Kate's words inspired. He thrust out one great hand and crushed the woman's in its palm. "Sure I'll help. I've just got two hands and a straight eye, and when fight's around I don't care if it snows. My head's the weak spot. But, anyway, what you say goes. We'll save Charlie, or or Say, a real bright woman's just about the grandest thing God ever made."

Let us hasten to the town, and procure what assistance we may: but a few persons, well organised and properly armed, will achieve wonders against a desultory and ill-appointed multitude. There may be a chance of saving him, yet, from the imminent danger which surrounds him." "That's proper," cried the admiral. "I don't like to see anybody run down. A fair fight's another thing.

Fight it square and hard for your folk, and there isn't a right man or woman, but who'll respect you, and think the better of you for it. A good fight's no crime when you're convinced you're right." The girl drew a deep breath, and, to the man, it seemed in the nature of relief. A great anxiety for her stirred him. "I'm glad you said that," she said.

Clouds of blowing sand hid the stars, yet there was a faint glimmer of light which showed moving figures on horseback. Men were shouting, and with the bark of their guns fire spouted. Annesley rushed on to the veranda, but Van Vreck caught her dress. "Stay where you are!" he ordered. "Our side is winning. Don't you see don't you hear the fight's going farther away?

"Break for it, before anybody else gets there and muddies the water." But Pete still stood rigid and unhearing, clutching his gun with a desperate grip, and glaring with bulging, unmoving eyes across the plain. "Come, wake up, Pete," said Shorty, giving him a sharp shake. "Do as I tell you, and on the jump. The fight's over." "The fight's over?" stammered the boy. "Ain't they coming back again?"

"Well met, my Lord!" he exclaimed, grasping the ancient person's hand. "You've heard the fight's off?" "Is it, George? I grieve!" "Yes, it seems Jerningham's man Croxton The 'Thunderbolt' fell foul of a harmless-looking customer on his way here, and who should it be but Jessamy himself.