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'By that, rejoined Gower, 'I can say Lord Feltre proves there's wisdom in the truisms of devoutness. He thought the Catholic lord had gone a step or two to catch an eel. Fleetwood was looking on the backward of his days, beholding a melancholy sunset, with a grimace in it.

He remembered Gower Woodseer's having warned him he would finish his career a monk. Not, like Feltre, an oily convert, but under the hood, yes, and extracting a chartreuse from his ramble through woods richer far than the philosopher's milk of Mother Nature's bosom.

Or Felter: your convinced and fervent Catholic has quotations of images and Latin hymns to his Madonna or one of his Catherines, by the dozen, to suit an enthusiastic fit of the worship of some fair woman, and elude the prosy in commending her. Feltre is enviable there. As he says, it is natural to worship, and only the Catholics can prostrate themselves with dignity. That is matter for thought.

Lord Feltre, his companion, has done us the service to make his emotions known. He describes them, true, as the Papist who sees every incident contribute to precipitate sinners into the bosom of his Church. But this, we have warrant for saying, did not occur before the earl had visited and strolled in the woods with his former secretary, Mr.

Minister of Foreign Affairs . Champagny. Duc de Cadore. Chaptal. Minister of the Interior. Comte de Chanteloupe. Clarke. Minister of War. Duc de Feltre. Daru. Comte. *Davoust. Duc d'Auerstädt. Prince d'Eckmühl. Drouet. Comte d'Erlon. Drouot. Comte. Aide-Major of the Guard. Duroc. Grand Marshal of the Palace. Duc de Friuli. Viceroy of Italy. Grand Almoner. Fouché. Duc d'Otranto. *Grouchy. Comte.

In the far distance rose great mountain masses. Up there were Feltre and Belluno, and behind, just visible when the light was very bright, the peaks of Carnia and the Cadore. It was an unaccustomed feeling, after months of comparative immunity from observation behind mountain ridges, to be in flat country again.

He was recommended to see Lord Feltre, if he had a desire to be instructed on the subject of the mitigation of our pains in the regions below. Potts affirmed that he meant to die a Protestant Christian.

When Carinthia Jane, after two years of adventures and perils rarely encountered by women, returned to these shores, she was, they say, most anxious for news of her husband; and then, indeed, it has been conjectured, they might have been united to walk henceforward as one for life, but for the sad fact that the Earl of Fleetwood had two months and some days previously abjured his rank, his remaining property, and his title, to become, there is one report, the Brother Russett of the mountain monastery he visited in simple curiosity once with his betraying friend, Lord Feltre.

In the morning, I bought an old overcoat, and hired an ass to journey on, and near Feltre I bought a pair of boots. In this guise I passed the hut called the Scala. There was a guard there who, much to my delight, as the reader will guess, did not even honour me by asking my name.

Huntsmen would know it, if the chase were not urgent to pull them at the tail of the running beast. Once or twice on board his yacht he might have known something like it, but the salt sea-breeze could not be disconnected from his companion Lord Feltre, and a thought of Feltre swung vapour of incense all about him.