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As he thought of this he could only come to one conclusion he had been kept alive in order that, upon his arrival at head-quarters, he might be examined, by torture if necessary, as to the extent of his knowledge of the plot against the Government, and as to the existence of any other schemes for bringing arms into the country.

If the wound is serious, the sheep immediately has its throat cut and is turned into mutton and disposed of to the butchers, and the shearer, if in the habit of frequently inflicting such wounds, is discharged. In the shearing of these 80,000 sheep, a hundred or more are injured to such an extent as to necessitate their being killed, but the wool and meat are of course turned into profit.

His house is considered the property of all to the extent that anyone goes there at any time and stays as long as he pleases, partaking meanwhile of the datu's food. In times of danger, or during festivals, all the people assemble there and assist, in the defense or the merry-making. Datu Tongkaling is the most industrious man in the tribe.

All this impressed him to an extent which he had hardly deemed possible, though of any outward evidence thereof he gave no sign. "Are all dead up yonder?" he asked some of the Ba-gcatya, as he joined them in their frugal fare. A laugh, derisive but not discourteous to himself, greeted the question. "Au! The bite of The Spider does not need repeating twice," was the reply.

The ladies of Brookfield had almost as utterly cast off their garb of lofty reserve and inscrutable superiority. They were begging Mrs. Chump to be, for pity's sake, silent. They were arguing with the woman. They were remonstrating to such an extent as this, in reply to an infamous outburst: "No, no: indeed, Mrs. Chump, indeed!"

"I am made for life," she said at last slowly, aloud; "all the good things of life can in the future be mine all the wealth, all the glory, to a great extent also the love." But when Florence thought of the love she paused; for she remembered her mother. Did anyone in all the world love her as the little Mummy loved her? In the future she knew well that she should see very little of her mother.

The resident within is the ecclesiastical head of two separate hamlets lying at some miles' distance from his own parish. Each of these hamlets possesses a church, though the population is of the very sparsest, and in each he maintains a resident curate. A third curate assists him in the duties of the home parish, which is a large one, that is, in extent.

All this, to a very large extent, was the fault of the public, for it had made an idol of each new General, deluging him with praise, flattering his vanity and fawning on him until he came to regard the war as a sort of background for his own greatness.

First of all I shall relate a number of facts which will serve to show the nature and extent of the warfare, and I shall then give the reasons which lead me to believe that the fighting not only bears some relation to the "territory," but that it is an important factor in contributing to the attainment of that which for biological interpretation is the end for which the whole territorial system has been evolved.

There was a desire to permit their own people to participate in this to some extent and the National American Woman Suffrage Association, always on the watch tower, took immediate action toward having women included in any scheme of self-government.