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Updated: October 20, 2024

He talked to Myers about these dreams, but beyond generalities about delayed effects of combat fatigue and vague advice to relax, the psychologist, now head of Sales & Promotion of Evri-Flave, Inc., could give him no help. The war ended three years after the new company was launched.

"And think of all the crazy cases of mass-hysteria that baseball-game riot in Baltimore; the time everybody started tearing off each others' clothes in Milwaukee; the sex-orgy in New Orleans. And the sharp uptrend in individual psycho-neurotic and psychotic behavior. All in connection with music, too, and all after Evri-Flave got on the market."

The dreams began bothering him again, now that the urgency of getting Evri-Flave, Inc., started had eased. They were not dreams of the men he had killed in battle, or, except for one about a huge, hot-smelling tank with a red star on the turret, about the war.

Benson was often invited to address the delegates to the UN; always, there was soft piped-in music behind his words. He saw to it that Evri-Flave was available free to all UN personnel. The Senate of the United States elected him as perpetual U. S. delegate-in-chief to the UN; not long after, the Security Council elected him their perpetual chairman.

There was a momentary faltering of the economy, and then the work of reconstruction was crying hungrily for all the labor and capital that had been idled by the end of destruction, and more. There was a new flood-tide of prosperity, and Evri-Flave rode the crest.

It had, of course, been impossible to interview the two thousand men and women who had turned the Opera House into a pyre for their own immolation, but none of the tiny minority who had kept their sanity and saved their lives had tasted Evri-Flave.

Why, our legal department's kept busy all the time prosecuting unlicensed manufacturers as it is." "We've got to do something, Fred!" There was almost a whiff of hysteria in Myers' voice. "We will. We'll start, first thing tomorrow, on a series of tests just you and I, like the old times at Eisenhower High. First, we want to be sure that Evri-Flave really is responsible.

"We'll have to stop it; pull Evri-Flave off the market," Myers said. "We can't be responsible for letting this go on." "We can't stop, either. There's at least a two months' supply out in the hands of jobbers and distributors over whom we have no control.

The next day, when the vote was counted, it was found that the American Nationalists had carried a few backwoods precincts in the Rockies and the Southern Appalachians and one county in Alaska, where there had been no distribution of Evri-Flave. The dreams came back more often, now that Bill Myers was gone.

The night before the national election, the World Sovereignty party distributed thousands of gallons of Evri-Flave; their speakers, on every radio and television network, were backgrounded by soft music.

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