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If the God of Wine too well seconded the God of War, it is only water drinkers who can complain; it is not for us, Republicans of the past and of the future, to throw stones at good citizens in order to conceal the misconduct of the old Bonapartist Administration which still is charged with the care of our armies." General Blaise has been killed at Villa Evrard.

"Amongst the witnesses," said he, "now waiting in the antechamber, are two women one, la femme Santon, servant to Evrard the innkeeper at Mongeron the other, la fille Grossetete, servant to Madame Chatelain the limonadiere at Lieursaint, who assert in the most positive manner, that two of the assassins are there, waiting like them to be admitted.

Simonne Evrard was being loudly blamed for having admitted the girl into citizen Marat's room. But the wench had looked so simple, so innocent, and she said she was the bearer of a message from Caen. She had called twice during the day, and in the evening the citizen himself said that he would see her. Simonne had been for sending her away. But the citizen was peremptory.

His massive figure was hunched up like that of an old man; his hands, which still clung to his identity papers, trembled slightly like those of a man who is very frightened and very helpless. The men of the Surete handled him very roughly, but he made no protest. The woman Evrard did all the protesting, vowing that the people would not long tolerate such tyranny.

Evrard, he may last for a long while yet. As the hairdresser gave the woman thirty thousand francs, his bit of real estate has cost him, first and last, more than a million, and the house at this day is worth eight or nine hundred thousand francs.

Between twelve and one, the four horsemen arrived at the pretty village of Mongeron, on the road to Melun. One of them had preceded them at a hand-gallop to order dinner at the Hotel de la Poste, kept by the Sieur Evrard. Having paid their bill, they proceeded to the Cassino, where they took their cafe.

Simonne Evrard allowed Jeannette to take him in, partly out of compassion and partly with a view to easing the woman's own burden, the only other domestic in the house a man named Bas being more interested in politics and the meetings of the Club des Jacobins than he was in his master's ailments.

She even set the type, and at times her arm pulled the lever of the press that printed the daily message. Let it stand to the eternal discredit of Thomas Carlyle that he contemptuously disposes of Simonne Evrard, who represents undying love and unflinching loyalty, by calling her a "washerwoman."

Simonne Evrard gave her good name, her family position, her money, her life her soul into the keeping of Jean Paul Marat. That his love and gratitude to her was great and profound, there is abundant proof. She was his only servant, his secretary, his comrade, his friend, his wife. Not only did she attend him in sickness, but in banishment and disgrace she never faltered.

One of the feet of the supernumerary limb had six toes, while the other, which was merely an outgrowth, had two toes on it. According to Jules Guerin, the child named Gustav Evrard was born with a thigh ending in two legs and two imperfect feet depending from the left nates.