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"'An' you-all can put down a bet, returns Ugly Collins, 'I learns of your ill-health with regrets. It's this a-way: I ain't had no exercise yet this evenin'; an' as I tracks in yere, I registers a vow to wallop the first gent I meets up with to whom I've not been introdooced ; merely by way of stretchin' my muscles. Now I must say an' I admits it with sorrow that you-all is that onhappy sport.

"Wall, Cicely, we three will embark together on our tower." Wall, after supper Cicely and I sot down under the front stoop, it was a warm evenin', and we talked some about other wimmen. Not runnin' talk, or gossipin' talk, but jest plain talk, about her aunt Mary, and her aunt Melissa, and her aunt Mary's daughter, who wus a runnin' down, runnin' faster than ever, so I judged from what she said.

"God knows, sor, I'm willing to give up wan evenin' to society. We all are, for that matter. But it takes an hour an' a half to read the blissed story. If we could only sit down during the recital, sor, it it wouldn't be so bad. But as it is, sor, we have to stand and only our legs and feet can go to sleep. If " "I see!" cried Mr. Bingle. "You put me to shame, Delia.

Also there's the old familiar chuckly laugh. But that's as far as it goes. This Mrs. Gummidge is attired that's the proper word, I expect in a black satin' evenin' dress that fits her like she'd been cast into it.

It rather lets the whey outen Jerry's glee, an' he don't get so much bliss from that tenderfoot's misfortunes as he did. "It goes along all right ontil I swings down to the crossin' of the Canadian. It's about fourth-drink time in the afternoon, an' I'm allowin' to ford the Canadian that evenin' an' camp on t'other side.

"I ham, late," he then graciously explained "not that I was detained in enny way by the people upstairs. The gay Clara went out early, but I was absorbed in the evenin' papers Winsleigh forgot to ask me for them. But he'll see them at his club. He's gone there now on foot-poor fellah!"

I've got HER trained all right. She knows me. It's a pity if a man can't be independent of females. "I knew consider'ble many men that was subjects for pity, 'cordin' to that rule. But I wa'n't in for no week's cruise, and I told him so. He said of course not; we'd be home that evenin'. "The Shootin' Star kept slippin' along.

And an evenin' party, I wouldn't take my oath I wouldn't go to, though I don't know hardly what to talk about, except America; and I've bragged so much about that, I'm tired of the subject. But a Swoi-ree is the devil, that's a fact." "Squire," said Mr. Slick, "it ain't rainin' to-day; suppose you come along with me to Tattersall's.

"Here it is, Miss Julia," said he, in his usual jocular and somewhat loud voice, "here it is, I'll have it in a minute listed, Miss Julia," he added, in a solemn and impressive undertone: "what I'm goin' to say is more to you than aither life or death. Don't go out by yourself don't go at all out early in the morning or late in the evenin'." "Why so, Cannie?" she asked.

"Saviour of life! it's the same! Oh, merciful God, it's thrue! it's thrue! the very same I seen wid him that evenin': I know it by the broken hinge and the two letthers. The Lord forgive me my sins! for I see now that do what we may, or hide it as we like, God is above all! Saviour of life, how will this end? an' what will I do? or how am I to act?