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"Has it ever occurred to you that you may have made a great mistake?" "Oh yes; everything occurs to one sooner or later." That's what I said to him; but I didn't say that the question, pointed by his candid young countenance, had, for the moment, a greater force than it had ever had before. And then he asked me whether, as things had turned out, I myself had been so especially happy.

Is he coming to see you?" "Well; he is desirous no doubt of seeing you more especially; but he has expressed a wish to make my acquaintance, which I cannot, under the circumstances, think is unnatural. Of course, Alice, he must want to talk over this affair with your friends." "I wish I could have spared them," said Alice, "I wish I could."

However, the inability to grasp that we find in the foot of civilised man is a consequence of the habit of clothing it with tight coverings for thousands of years. Many of the bare-footed lower races of men, especially among the negroes, use the foot very freely in the same way as the hand.

Though the fact has not yet been fully established, it is probable that the first domestics were slaves or serfs; and the condition of servants in later times, especially of those in families of the ruling classes, was much like that of slaves in the early Greek and Roman families.

This is customary in Gschaid as the people are hardy pedestrians, and because parents especially a man like the shoemaker like to see their children able to take care of themselves.

"It partakes rather of the unsprightly than of the unsightly, of rigidness rather than of ugliness." Again, he compares a comical person to "a person embarrassed by his body." His automatism is essentially a lack of mental nimbleness, a formal lack of mental elasticity, a defective capacity for rapid adjustment, in short, a mental laziness. And especially is this defect one of consciousness.

But let the words be simple, And suited to his mind, And loving, that his weary heart A resting-place may find." Household Verses. Speak, gently to a child; speak gently to all; but more especially speak gently to a child. "A gentle voice is an excellent thing in a woman," and is a jewel of great price, and is one of the concomitants of perfect lady.

Petulengro; "all the religious people, more especially the Evangelicals those that go about distributing tracts are very angry about the fight between Gentleman Cooper and White-headed Bob, which they say ought not to have been permitted to take place; and then they are trying all they can to prevent the fight between the lion and the dogs, which they say is a disgrace to a Christian country.

For I was only then entering upon the Cherubino stage of my existence, when the sight of feminine grace or beauty immediately transports a youth into a mild state of love intoxication. It was incredible how rich the world was in bewitching creatures, and the world of Copenhagen especially.

"I should have thought, Sir Charles, that this particularly feminine and submissive sentiment would have met with your approval." "It does; it does," said Charles, hastily. "Only, after the stubborn rigidity of your shall I say your week-day character, especially as regards money, this softened Sabbath mood took me by surprise for a moment."