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She was, suddenly, in a large room, well lit, with elaborate furnishings sitting leaned back in a soft chair before a highly polished little table. On the opposite side of the table two people sat looking at her with expressions of mild surprise. One of them was Lyad Ermetyne. The other was a man she didn't know. The man glanced aside at Lyad. "Very fast snap-back!" he said.

But whenever Belchy comes out of the esthetic trances, he's a worried man. Count him in." "For sure?" "Yes." "All right. He's in. Crack the Aurora yet?" "No," said Quillan. "The girls are working on it. But the Ermetyne keeps a mighty taut ship and a mighty disciplined crew. We'll have a couple of those boys wrapped up in another week. No earlier."

She shrugged. "It's no place I want to be." She settled back a little in her chair. Her right hand brushed the porgee pouch. The porgee pouch. It would have been like the Ermetyne to investigate the pouch carefully, take out the gun and put the pouch back. But they might not have. Somebody was bound to be watching. She couldn't find out not until the instant after she decided to try the Denton.

Now we'll just pitch you some questions. A recorder's on. Don't stall on the answers." And he and the Commissioner started flipping out questions. The Ermetyne flipped back the answers. So far as Trigger could tell, there wasn't any stalling. Or any time for it. Azol: Doctor Azol had been her boy from the start. He was now on Tranest.

The brandy which followed the dinner seemed to represent no let-down to the connoisseurs around Trigger. She went at it cautiously, though she had swallowed a couple of wake-up capsules just before they walked into the Ermetyne suite. The capsules took effect in the middle of the first course; and what she woke up to was a disconcerting awareness of being the center of much careful attention.

That gimmick's pretty much of a spilled secret now, but on a swap for you and Lyad it was worth it. We came aboard five minutes after we'd nabbed your fac." "The Ermetyne figured you'd go chasing after the Aurora," Trigger said. "Well," the Commissioner said tolerantly, "the Ermetyne's pretty young. The Aurora was a bit obvious."

Her voice was careful but quite even. A tough cookie, as the Commissioner had remarked. "We won't bother about them at the moment," Trigger said. "Let's stand up together." They stood up. "We'll stay about five feet apart," Trigger went on. "I don't know if you're the gun-grabbing type." The Ermetyne almost smiled. "I'm not!" she said. "No point in taking chances," Trigger said. "Five feet."

"To be honest about it, Trigger Argee," she said, "I still don't feel entirely cordial toward you! However, I did appreciate the gesture of letting me have the recording. So I decided to drop by to tell you there isn't really too much left in the way of hard feelings, on my part." They shook hands restrainedly, and the Ermetyne sauntered out again.

Meanwhile, we'll put the Ermetyne through a routine questioning ourselves when she gets over being groggy. Courtesy will be on the moderate side. She'll probably spill part of what she knows, especially if you sit there and hand her the beady stare from time to time." "That," Trigger assured him, "will be hardly an effort at all!" "I can imagine. You're pretty sure that thing will show up again?"

They let him work off his rage while he was still under partial control. Then the Ermetyne woke him up. He stared at her coldly. "You are a deceitful woman, Lyad Ermetyne!" he declared. "I don't wish to see you about my labs again! At any time. Is that understood?" "Yes, Professor," Lyad said. "And I'm sorry that I believed it necessary to " Mantelish snorted. "Sorry! Necessary!