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In the spring, and late in the fall, catarrhal affections are quite common, occurring frequently in a epizoötic form. Coryza, or nasal catarrh, commonly called a cold in the head, is not very common among cows. As its name implies, it is a local disease, confined to the lining membrane of the nose; and, consequently, the general system is not usually disturbed. Symptoms.

Causes Whether it be that the distemper virus, the poison seedling of the disease, really originates in the kennel, or is the result of contact of one dog with another, or whether the poison floats to the kennel on the wings of the wind, or is carried there on a shoe or the point of a walking-stick, the following facts ought to be borne in mind: Anything that debilitates the body or weakens the nervous system paves the way for the distemper poison; the healthier the dog the more power does he possess to resist contagion; when the disease is epizootic, it can often be kept at bay by proper attention to diet and exercise, frequent change of kennel straw, and perfect cleanliness; the predisposing causes which have come more immediately under my notice are debility, cold, damp, starvation, filthy kennels, unwholesome food, impure air, and grief.

The dozen beasts tried in two months, if placed in a row, would cure the worst case of melancholia. Some shied; others were liable to be overcome by "blind staggers"; three had the epizootic badly, and longed to lie down; one was nearly blind. At last I was told of a lady who desired to leave her pet horse and Sargent buggy in some country home during her three months' trip abroad.

Silius Italicus describes a fearful epizoötic, which first attacked the dog, then the feathered biped, then horses, and cattle, and, last of all, the human being. "On mules and dogs the infection first began, And, last, the vengeful arrows fixed in man."

Catarrh frequently assumes an epizoötic form of a very virulent character, originating spontaneously and extending over a large section of country at or about the same time. A cold spring succeeding a mild winter, is peculiarly productive of malignant catarrh. This is one of the most distressing and fatal diseases to which cattle are subject. Symptoms.

When the Indians will cultivate the cow, I shall think their civilization fairly begun. Recently, when the horses were sick with the epizoötic, and the oxen came to the city and helped to do their work, what an Arcadian air again filled the streets. But the dear old oxen how awkward and distressed they looked! Juno wept in the face of every one of them.

The singularity of this coincidence inclined him for the time to regard the disease as an epizoötic having its origin in some peculiar condition of the atmosphere rather than as a contagious, or infectious disease, which position was at that time assumed by him.

But if you ask me my honest opinion, I'd say this rotten old pleasure hull is a-gettin' ready to open up and spread out like a like a balloon with the epizoötic." "All right, when she begins, come on up with your men without asking leave. Report every half-hour. I'll be on the bridge, of course.

Curly grabbed the lantern and insisted upon walking close to them. "No matter if I do catch the epizootic; guess I'll get over it," said the boy. They finally came to the Smith house. Helen and Mrs. Sadoc Smith came out on the porch when the dog barked. Ruth made Ann and Curly go ahead and held back with the sick girl. "You go right upstairs with Helen, Ann," commanded Ruth.

The epizoötic pleuro-pneumonia is susceptible of being transmitted from diseased to healthy animals by cohabitation. 2dly. All the animals exposed do not take the disease; some suffer slightly, and others not at all. 3dly. Of the affected animals, some recover and others die. 4thly. The animals, whether slightly or severely affected, possess an immunity against subsequent attacks.