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This disease, as its name implies, is an inflammatory condition of the lungs and the pleura, or the enveloping membrane of the lungs and the lining membrane of the chest. It is sometimes called contagious, infectious, and epizoötic pleuro-pneumonia, contagious or infectious, from its supposed property of transmission from the diseased to the healthy animal.

He had only one subject for intellectual conversation, the epizootic diseases.

"They seemed to get over them nicely, at least Peetie did, but then Jackie caught the epizootic, and he has to stay in bed a week longer, and take bitter medicine." "Bitter medicine, eh?" exclaimed Uncle Wiggily. "I am sorry to hear that, for I don't like bitter medicine myself." "Neither does Jackie," continued Mrs. Bow Wow.

But on a dark day I was over-driven, and my joints stiffened, and my fortunes went down, and my whole family was sold. My brother, with head down and sprung in the knees, pulls the street car. My sister makes her living on the tow path, hearing the canal boys swear. My aunt died of the epizoötic.

But, of late years, a still more serious epizootic has appeared among the silkworms; and I may mention a few facts which will give you some conception of the gravity of the injury which it has inflicted on France alone.

Lowry when he went back to Dublin with a goodly pile of money to take over his uncle's business; and how thereafter had come babies, and fever, and the epizootic, and hard times; and Danny, a heartbroken man, had fled from bereavement and pauperism and possibly from prison to seek his fortune in America. And then the motor!

In the United States, epizoötic diseases have been of frequent occurrence; but, owing to the want of properly qualified veterinary surgeons, they have not, until within a very recent period, been properly described or understood. The day however, is fast approaching when this void will be filled, and when epizoötic and other diseases will be correctly noted and recorded.

He, the abused Sinong, remembered his two magnificent horses, which, at the advice of the curate, he had caused to be blessed to save them from plague, spending therefor ten pesos for neither the government nor the curates have found any better remedy for the epizootic and they had died after all.

Its intermediate host can be any one of a hundred cold-blooded animals." "Is there no place else where it can be attacked?" "Sure, in the body of the final host, or on its final encysting place. But that won't eliminate the bug." "Why not?" "It'll still survive in its infective form and enough Lani will get subacute dosage to propagate it until the time is right for another epizootic.

Bronchitis occasionally makes its appearance in an epizoötic form. Symptoms. A peculiarly anxious expression of the countenance will be observed; respiration laborious; a husky, wheezing, painful cough; on placing the ear to the windpipe a sonorous râle is heard; symptomatic fever also prevails to a greater or less extent. Treatment.