United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Father has some untearable transparent envelopes, and I shall ask him for two of them. They will do as a makeshift. Dora's matriculation is to-morrow, she's quite nervous about it although she is very well up in all the subjects. But she says it's so easy to make mistakes.

It's disguised, of course, and the addressing was done by two different people that's plain." "You are wonderful, Josie!" "I'm stupid as a clam, Mary Louise. See here!" she went to a closet and brought out a large card-board box, which she placed upon the table. It was filled to the brim with envelopes, addressed to many business firms in Dorfield, but all bearing the local postmark.

We can hear the postman guy him all over the house when he brings them thick envelopes back. Say do you live in the Vallambrosa?" "I do not," said the young man. "I come to see Bevens sometimes. He's my friend. I live two blocks west." "What are you going to do with the onion? begging your pardon," said Hetty. "I'm going to eat it." "Raw?" "Yes: as soon as I get home."

In the long afternoons, Major Hawke was apparently busied with the "dispatches" which duly mystified the Club quid mines, as they were ostentatiously displayed in the letter-box. No one but Ram Lal knew of the abstraction from the mail, and destruction of these carefully sealed envelopes of blank paper.

Neither Miss Sugg nor Mr. Fowle spoke to her, but Winifred thought she saw a malicious smile on the forewoman's face. The hours passed wearily until six o'clock. She was about to quit the building with her companions many of whom meant bombarding her with questions at the first opportunity when she was again requested to report at the office. A clerk handed her one of the firm's pay envelopes.

He caught the next train, thinking longingly of his broken engagement with Harold Dunning, and of certain plans for the afternoon which he was beginning to fear might be thwarted if this seemingly endless and aimless excursion continued. He looked at the packet of unopened envelopes. "It would be easy to break open the whole outfit, and see what this game is," he thought.

"The address he last sent me, and that of the firm of lawyers who has the management of the property intended for you, are sealed in envelopes in this box.

He laid down the letters and took the cover from the machine as he spoke, then supplied her with paper and envelopes, put a sheet into the machine, and began dictating. They made quick work of it, and had finished in about half an hour. Violet joined them just as Lulu took the last sheet from the machine. "Oh," she said, "I see you are busy; but I will not interrupt."

Conny, having finished her tea, examined lazily some notes, pushed them back into their envelopes with a disgusted curl of her long lips, and glancing over her shoulder at Cairy drawled in an exhausted voice: "Poke the fire, please, Tommy!" Cairy did as he was told, then lighted a cigarette and stood expectantly.

The Duke took the papers and untied the smaller package, which appeared to contain legal documents, while the larger seemed to be a series of letters filed in their envelopes, as they had been received. "My mother's name was Maria Lindstrand," said Claudius. He leaned back, smoking the eternal cigarette, and watched the Duke's face.