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My lords and gentlemen of the jury I rise to address you under circumstances of embarassment which will, I hope, secure for me a little consideration and indulgence at your hands. I have to ask you at the outset to banish any prejudice that might arise in your minds against a man who adopts the singular course who undertakes the serious responsibility of pleading his own defence.

Next time I saw her there was no trace of any embarassment in her manner she was kind and cold. So I had to let it drop altogether. And, anyhow, what did I want with her at all? No, indeed! Some visitors came to see her one day a neighbour's wife, with her daughter.

My speech was not more than two or three inches long; ... but, being once started, I felt no embarassment, and went through it as coolly as if I were going to be hanged." He also notes that his little speech was quite successful, "considering that I did not know a soul there, except the Mayor himself, and that I am wholly unpracticed in all sorts of oratory, and that I had nothing to say."

This difference of feelings was kept up throughout the war, greatly to the embarassment at times of the Generals in the field, and often a great sacrifice to the service. The officials in Richmond, away from the seat of war, had a continual predilection to meddle with the internal affairs of the army.

The separate independence of the provinces was thus abolished, and the supreme power vested in the senate at Malines. After the death of Charles the Bold the states did not neglect to avail themselves of the embarassment of their duchess, who, threatened by France, was consequently in their power.

To this criticism of the President, Judge Nelson, of Counsel for Defense, responded a few days later, with the following statement: It is to me, Senators, a source of much embarassment how to speak in reply to the accusation which has thus been preferred against the President of the United States. *

More easily thought than done; the goose stoutly resists, and refuses to accompany the fresh-water shark to his weedy home. A warm and obstinate engagement is the result; the peasant watches, with approving eye, the embarassment of his feathered accomplice, until he thinks it time to put an end to the scrimmage, when he whistles like an easterly wind in a passion.

He was quickly relieved from his embarassment by his handsome hostess declaring herself fortunate in numbering among her friends so gallant a chevalier.

Simon, and it must be admitted that he had made good use of them. He got himself up for his part, and appeared before Madame with deep respect and embarassment.

There was a painful tension, of which Dorgan did not seem to be aware. Buck Higgins tried to dispel it. "Perceed, Injun," he said. "We're all a-waitin' on you." Without embarassment, Injun continued to say nothing. Bill Jordan began to show signs of nervousness, which finally broke into speech. "Had anythin' t' eat, Henry?" he asked. "Nope.