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He used to cut off the heads of Protestants with the most singular gusto!" "Precisely; and then used to embalm them, when they were worth the trouble; and when he was thus engaged with his herbs and plants about him, he looked like a basket-maker making baskets." "You are quite right, Planchet, he did." "Oh! I can remember things very well, at times!"

To me the passion is to express it, to embalm it, in phrase or word, not for my pride in my art, not for any desire to give the treasure to others, but simply, so it seems, in obedience to a tyrannous instinct to lend the thought, the sight, another shape. I despair of defining the feeling.

Magdalen felt almost as though her Beloved were being forcibly carried away from her, and hastily ran forward a few steps, with her arms stretched forth; but then, after a moment, returned to the Blessed Virgin. The sacred body was carried to a spot beneath the level of the top of Golgotha, where the smooth surface of a rock afforded a convenient platform on which to embalm the body.

She offered her purse to a surgeon, and begged him to embalm her husband's corpse, which was done as well as possible under the circumstances; and she then had the corpse wrapped in bandages, placed in a box with a lid, and put in a carriage, and seating herself beside it, the heart-broken widow set out on her return to France.

The incentives to courage which have stimulated others to brave death were wanting in their case. If they triumphed, they had no admiring circus to welcome them with shouts, and crown them with laurel; and if they fell, they knew that there awaited their ashes no marble tomb, and that no lay of poet would ever embalm their memory. They looked to a greater Judge for their reward.

and all the sacred marks were found upon him. The librarian gave him into your charge to have his bad eye cured." "That was quite well," answered Nebsecht carelessly. "But they will require the uninjured corpse of you, to embalm it," said Pentaur. "Will they?" muttered Nebsecht; and he looked at his friend like a boy who is asked for an apple that has long been eaten.

Why, they embalm it, covering it entirely with wax, by which it no longer becomes offensive to them." "But, papa, might not their instinct have provided for such an event?" observed William.

'But why? asked Racksole, more mystified than ever. 'Why should you trouble to embalm the poor chap's corpse? 'Can't you see? Doesn't it strike you? That corpse has to be taken care of. It contains, or rather, it did contain, very serious evidence against some person or persons unknown to the police. It may be necessary to move it about from place to place.

Even in Egypt, where for two thousand years it had been the custom to make the bodies of the dead into mummies, to embalm them against the day of resurrection, a custom which had been usually practised by the Christians, this native Egyptian ventured to teach that nothing but the soul would rise from the dead, and that we must look forward to only a spiritual resurrection.

I have spoken to Du Puys and Chaumonot. It is all settled but the daub of ink. Together, Paul; you will make history and I shall embalm it." He placed a hand upon the Chevalier's arm, his boyish face beaming with the prospect of the exploit. "And Madame de Brissac?" gently. "We shall close that page," said the poet, looking out of the window. She would be in Spain. Ah well!"