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It was during her third voyage to the West Indies that our hero, Fred, was born, and it was during this, and succeeding voyages, that Buzzby became "all but a wet-nurse" to him. Mrs Ellice was a loving, gentle, seriously-minded woman.

As the letter was a pretty long one it took him a considerable time to do all this; then it suddenly occurred to him that he had been thus selfishly keeping it all to himself instead of sharing it with his father, so he started up and hastened back to the village, where he found old Mr Ellice in earnest confabulation with the pastor of the place.

"And she was not pleased to see you?" "Apparently not!" he laughed, but the laughter was shaky. "Here we are! We'll soon get the bicycle fixed up." Ellice stood watching him while with a borrowed spanner he adjusted the handle-bars. What did this man know of Joan, and why had Joan cut him dead? Perhaps they were old lovers, perhaps a thousand things? Ellice shrugged her shoulders.

Many a time have I seen a ship's crew strain and heave on warps and cables for hours together, and only gain a yard by all their efforts; but many a time, also, have I seen a single yard of headway save a ship from destruction." "True," rejoined Captain Ellice; "I have seen a little of it myself.

Oh yes, you think I am a child, a foolish, romantic schoolgirl, a stupid little thing, talking, talking, but in your heart you know that I am right." "But if he loves me," Joan said softly, "if he loves me, little Ellice, then how can I break my word to him?" "I do not ask you to break your word to him, only tell him, tell him the truth again.

At this moment a withering volley was poured upon the boat, and a savage yell of agony followed, while the rowers who remained unhurt paused for an instant as if paralysed. Next instant they recovered, and another stroke would have brought them almost alongside, when Captain Ellice pointed the little carronade and fired.

Bonner's cottage. He had meant to go, but had not gone. He was due there to-day; this very morning Helen would expect him. He had never missed spending a Sunday with them since the engagement; and yet he felt loath to go, and did not know why. He had seen Connie off to Church. Con never missed. Ellice had not gone. Ellice was perhaps a little less constant than Con.

"There's Fred Ellice," cried Fred himself, joining the group; "I'll go with you if you'll take me." "Most happy to have you, sir. Our healthy hands are very short, but we can muster sufficient, I think." The captain suggested Amos Parr and two or three more men, and then dismissed his first mate to get ready for an immediate start. "I don't half like your going, Fred," said his father.

The Ellice Island method of catching flying-fish would take too long to explain here, much as I should like to do so; my purpose is to describe a very remarkable fish called the palu, in the capture of which these people are the most skilful.

In an hour afterwards the captain and first mate, with our young friends, landed amid the clamorous greetings of the entire population, and proceeded to the residence of the governor, who received them with great kindness and hospitality; but the only information they could obtain was that, a year ago, Captain Ellice had been driven there in his brig by stress of weather, and, after refitting and taking in a supply of provisions, had set sail for England.