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"Hah!" cried the King, and he joined his follower on the other side, to utter an ejaculation full of the rage he felt, for dim as the gallery was, light enough came through the window opposite to which the cabinet stood to show that one of the doors had been wrenched open; some of the drawers within were half unclosed, while several little objects that had evidently been dropped in haste were upon the floor.

This "ah-ing" of his was a confirmed habit, for he never seemed able to begin or end a sentence without dragging in the ejaculation. "Yes, sir," I replied, rising up from my box, and taking off my cap politely.

For in his turn, in spite of his determination to make this second encounter an attack, and force his young adversary to remain entirely on his guard, the retort had begun, and before a minute had elapsed he uttered a sharp ejaculation as he felt the sharp pain caused by the lad's keen point ripping open his muscular right arm.

Swinging in his chair, the vice-president drew out a slide from his desk on which was a map and scanned it eagerly. All at once, with an ejaculation of surprise, he murmured: "This is remarkable remarkable!" Unable to restrain his curiosity, Bob rose from his chair and approached till he could see the map.

All of a sudden you don't know where you are it's awful!" "Not many women " digressed the man, glancing apprehensively towards the door, but she cut him short swiftly with the ejaculation: "Bosh!" And picking up a plate she raised it high in the air the better to show off its contents.

"To be struck down just when he was playing such tricks as them conjuring dodges, do seem uncommon awful," said he, after a time. "What was he after at the minute? making a pudding, wasn't he, in some gentleman's hat?" I uttered a sudden ejaculation, and set down my glass of negus untasted. Till that moment I had not once thought of my watch. "Oh, Mr. Cobbe!"

Then she broke out, unconsciously using the words of Peg Fraser's favourite ejaculation: "It's like a novelette." She really thought it was; she was breathless with astonishment, dazed with the unexpectedness of it all. The Beggar Man laughed. "Is it? They always say that truth is stranger than fiction, don't they?"

"Don't treat me like this!" he pleaded distractedly. "What shall I do?" asked Ethel with wide open eyes, "apologise? That's odd. I've been waiting for YOU to." Brent turned away again with an impatient ejaculation. As he moved up toward the windows Alaric came in behind him through the door. "Hello, Brent," he called out heartily. "H'are ye?"

The ejaculation ended my survey of the scene: it had scarcely occupied ten seconds of time. It was interrupted by a sudden movement on the part of the savages. Those on horseback were seen separating from the rest; and, the instant after, appeared coming on in the direction of the butte! The movement was easily accounted for. My imprudence had betrayed our presence.

There was an ejaculation excusable under the circumstance and the skipper grabbed my arm. "I won't wait a minute," he said. "I've got a doctor, that's the main thing, and all the antitoxine in the place. Come along." We jumped in the cab, which drove off rapidly, and in a minute we reached the dock, where the yawl was waiting.