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From earliest times, as the grand old ballad of the King of Thule tells us, a beaker was considered the fittest token a lady could present to her true-love Dem fterbend feine Buble Einen goldnen Becher gab. And in one of the most ancient Eddaic songs it is written, "Drink, Runes, must thou know, if thou wilt maintain thy power over the maiden thou lovest.

These discoveries roused the zeal of the Scandinavian literati, and led to further investigations, which resulted in the discovery of a vast number of chronicles and sagas, and much has since been done by the learned men of Iceland and Denmark to bring to light the remote annals of northern Europe. These remains fall into the three divisions of Eddaic, Scaldic, and Saga literature.

Whatever may have been the creed of other European races, it is hardly to be doubted that in these German superstitions we have an approach to the primitive belief, of which the Eddaic Valhalla was a late and idealized development. But we may nay, we must go further.

This trend came like a fresh current to take its place side by side with Romanticism, without, however, ousting it from the literary scene. But owing to the realistic technique and the tragic endings of much in the ancient literature Eddaic poetry and sagas alike Realism was never the novel force it generally was felt to be elsewhere. Still, it brought social criticism into our literature.

The word originally means sister, and is used throughout the Eddaic poems as a dignified synonym for woman, lady. Now Sigurd and Regin ride up the heath along that same way wherein Fafnir was wont to creep when he fared to the water; and folk say that thirty fathoms was the height of that cliff along which he lay when he drank of the water below.

It may be observed that in the Finnish poem of Kalevala it is by the destruction of the great oak that Wainamoien, aided by the hero of the sea, causes all things to grow. The early clearing away of trees, as a first step towards culture, may be symbolized in the shooting of arrows at the ash. The wolf, as a beast for the deity to ride, is strongly Eddaic. Odin and the Powers.

He wandered among the vestiges of antique art, unable to perceive their relation to modern life, or their original significance. He missed the impress of the individual on classic sculpture, as he had missed it the parallel is strange, but his own on the Eddaic poems of ancient Iceland. He liked a lyric or a statue to speak to him of the man who made it.

Perhaps we might give the Eddaic Twilight of the Gods a more human and strictly European interpretation.

I have to add that, while the story agrees with an universally spread Aryan fairy tale, it is very remarkable that it should add to these, several strictly Eddaic details, such as the white bear. I. How a Woman Lost a Gun for Fear of the Weewillmekq'. There was a man and his wife who had got together all they had for the fall hunt. They went up the St.

Excluding French Canadian fairy tales, what we have left is chiefly Eskimo and Eddaic, and the proportion of the latter is simply surprising. There are actually more incidents taken from the Edda than there are from lower sources. I can only account for this by the fact that, as the Indians tell me, all these tales were once poems, handed down from generation to generation, and always sung.