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And it is this crying, passionate tone, this directness of expression, this largeness of effort, even in tiny forms and limited scope, that, more than his polyphonic style or any other of the easily recognizable earmarks of his art, distinguishes his work from Debussy's. The other man has a greater sensuousness, completeness, inventiveness perhaps.

These proposals bore the earmarks of genuinely constructive compromise. Unfortunately, they were not at once acted upon. Both in England and in Egypt they roused strong opposition. In England adverse official influences held up the commission's report till February, 1921. In Egypt the extreme nationalists denounced Zagloul Pasha as a traitor, though moderate opinion seemed substantially satisfied.

Afterward, in order that he might think, Donnegan got on one of the horses he had taken from Godwin and rode over the hills. They were both leggy chestnuts, with surprising signs of blood' and all the earmarks of sprinters; but in Godwin's trade sharp getaways were probably often necessary. The pleasure he took in the action of the animal kept him from getting into his problem.

Come on, Sam, we'll get going." Clyde heard the trample of hoofs dying in the distance, and then McHale's voice: "You run the bluff, but you took an awful chance. That there Cross come mighty close to making a break." "Nervous kind?" "Yep. He's apt to be too blamed soon. T'other one, Dade, is cold-drawn. I judge he's bad. Ever hear of him?" "No." "Nor me," said McHale; "but he has the earmarks."

In recent years they have been enjoying a vogue, simply because it was possible that Rembrandt had worked on them. All the "Lastmans" have been gotten out and thoroughly dusted by the connoisseurs, in a frantic search for earmarks.

He bore all the earmarks of a commercial traveller of a certain sort a domineering personality, making up by sheer nerve what he might lack in brains. But for his words the miner would have given the fellow no further thought. "Say, Timmons," he burst forth noisily, and striding over to the desk, "the marshal tells me a dame blew in from New York to-night is she registered here?"

The youth carried with him none of the earmarks of his trade, unless it might be that quiet, steady gaze that seemed to search the soul. His voice was soft and drawling, his manner almost apologetic. In the smile that came and went was something sweet and sunny, in his bearing a gay charm that did not advertise the recklessness that bubbled from his daredevil spirit.

"What other thirty, bum?" "Why, the balance of the fifty. For an introduction to Mi to the maker of the Metamorphizer. To compensate me, you know, for my loss of revenue." "Weener, you have all the earmarks of a castiron moocher. Let me tell you, suh such methods are unbecoming. They suggest damyankee push and blackmail. Remember Reconstruction and White Supremacy, suh."

"But is there no way to detect such a fraud?" "It's a mighty hard thing to prove that an iron has bees worked over," Phil answered slowly. "About the only sure way is to catch the thief in the act." "But there are the earmarks," said Patches, a few moments later, when Phil had released the branded and marked calf "the earmarks and the brand wouldn't agree."

You have perhaps seen the would-be's, the nearly's, the pretenders in every field interesting people all devoted with a kind of mad enthusiasm to the thing they wish to do. They manifest in some ways all the externals or earmarks of their professional traditions, and yet are as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.