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It was solely due to the potency of the written message entrusted by Him to Mullá Muḥammad Mihdíy-i-Kandí and delivered to the Báb while in the neighborhood of the village of Kulayn, that the soul of the disappointed Captive was able to rid itself, at an hour of uncertainty and suspense, of the anguish that had settled upon it ever since His arrest in Shíráz.

Cuthbert of Castlehill was chosen on the part of his Lordship; the result was, a decision that a very considerable sum was due to Fraser. Lord Lovat was violently enraged at this, and declared that Castlehill had broken his trust.

The train was due to arrive at Meadow Brook about five o'clock, and Mr. Bobbsey's brother, Uncle Daniel, was to meet the family at the station. "Ours is the next stop," said the twins' papa, after a while. "Get your things together now." "Oh, I had a fine sleep!" cried Freddie, stretching his chubby little arms. "So did I," added Flossie. "I wonder if Snoop slept any?"

They have a very bad name; but much of this is due to their grim and forbidding aspect, and their bloody trade of trapping and eating poor little insects.

She told Bertalda that it was her due, as mistress of the house, to arrange her household as she thought best, and that, in this, she was accountable to no one but her lord and husband.

He will also see that the estimates for the military service are based on proper data, and made for the objects contemplated by law, and necessary to the due support and useful employment of the army.

And there's that trifle due when you went away to Jefferson Bigelow the butcher, he keeps a lookin in and giving me the startles, and saying how Squire Benson lives at the corner. Now as you love your poor wife and children come home, and let politiks alone, and provide for your children like a good christian and an honest man, which I have heard it said a politishon cant be.

And he smiled in a humble and placating way. Hazen said: "What's your business? Your interest is due." Doan nodded. "Yeah. I know, Mr. Kinch. I cain't pay it all." Kinch exclaimed impatiently: "An old story! How much can you pay?" "Eleven dollars and fifty cents," said Doan. "You owe twenty." "I aim to pay it when the hens begin to lay." Hazen laughed scornfully. "You aim to pay!

To Captain Maconochie, perhaps, is due the system of rewards awarded to convicts who manifest a desire to amend, and show by their exemplary conduct that they are anxious to regain once more a fair position in society.

"Curse the blighters they'll mess up my leave, it's due in a week's time." "Jolly good coffee, this! Here, Marie, bring us another two cups der coop der caffay that's right, isn't it?" "Dat's right," said the girl, "you speak goot French vous avez tout a fait l'accent parisien."