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Well, it is a divine amusement, and a glorious profession." There was a little pause after this, during which Clarissa looked at her watch, and finding it nearly five o'clock, began to put up her pencils and drawing-book.

The track lay level and straight, not dimming in the middle distances, the rails converging to points, both northwest and southeast, in the clean-washed air, like examples of perspective in a child's drawing-book.

With as thoughtful and scientific an expression as he could assume, Gideon measured the doorway with his cane, while Julia entered his observations in a drawing-book. He then measured the box, and, upon comparing his data, found that there was just enough space for it to enter. Next throwing off his coat and waistcoat, he assisted the men to take the door from its hinges.

Clarissa would have given the world to refuse. A drawing-book is in some measure a silent confidante almost a journal. She did not know how far her random sketches some of them mere vagabondage of the pencil, jotted down half unconsciously might betray the secrets of her inner life to the cold eyes of Miss Granger.

This was before the day of railroads, and the carriages were to be driven by steam over the ordinary coach roads. He filled a quarto drawing-book with different plans for these, and covered the idea in one of his patent specifications. Boulton suggested in 1781 that the idea of rotary motion should be developed, which Watt had from the first regarded as of prime importance.

At this moment Nelson, who had been too long unnoticed, put up one paw on Miss Stanley's arm, unseen by his master, and encouraged by such gentle reproof as Helen gave, his audacious paw was on the top of her drawing-book the next moment, and the next was upon the drawing and the paw was wet with dew. "Nelson!" exclaimed his master in an angry tone.

I felt a slight spasm, as it were, in the arm I held, and saw the girl's head turn over her shoulder for a second. What a kind creature this is! She has no special interest in this youth, but she does not like to see a young fellow going off because he feels as if he were not wanted. She had her locked drawing-book under her arm. Let me take it, I said. She gave it to me to carry.

In the first two respects, which are merely practical, the drawing-book, if judiciously prepared, might do somewhat to assist us; but in the last and most important, only the experienced and thoughtful artist, standing with us before Nature, can give us further insight into her system of expression.

The end of all this was, that I came away from the young fellow's room, feeling that there were two principal things that I had to live for, for the next six weeks or six months, if it should take so long. These were, to get a sight of the young girl's drawing-book, which I suspected had her heart shut up in it, and to get a look into the little gentleman's room.

If I find I can't make it go, I'll try some other business." "Jimmy, have you shown Paul your drawing?" said his mother. "Here it is, Paul," said Jimmy, producing his drawing-book, from which he had copied a simple design of a rustic cottage. "Why, that's capital, Jimmy," said Paul, in real surprise. "I had no idea you would succeed so well."