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On the one occasion when we were alone, he devoted four out of five minutes to telling me what he had learned of the night disturbance in front of the House of the Crocodile. "A Britisher of sorts" had come into the street, guided by an Arab. There had been some dispute about payment, and the Britisher had slapped the dragoman's face.

The servants had betaken themselves to a sheltered spot; discretion being nine-tenths of a good dragoman's training, Hassan and Abdul saw to it that their master and mistress should not be disturbed, while they themselves remained out of sight, but within call. "Let's sit down," Millicent said. "I'm starving the desert turns me into an absolute primitive."

I slept very soundly last night, yet when the dragoman's bell rang at half-past five this morning and the cry went abroad of "Ten minutes to dress for breakfast!" I heard both. It surprised me, because I have not heard the breakfast gong in the ship for a month, and whenever we have had occasion to fire a salute at daylight, I have only found it out in the course of conversation afterward.

Higher up they could see the white gleam of the rapids, and the banks grew into rugged cliffs, which were capped by a peculiar, outstanding semi-circular rock. It did not require the dragoman's aid to tell the party that this was the famous landmark to which they were bound. A long, level stretch lay before them, and the donkeys took it at a canter.

Jones. He begged the gentlemen not to do anything rash, and they were so angry at his interference that they sent him off with no more pay nothing at all since Luxor. Oh, no, they were not afraid of him, and what he could tell, because they said nobody would believe a dragoman's word, against rich white gentlemen. People would say he lied, for spite.

"Yuleima," began Joe, "is one womans like no other womans in all " But I shall not attempt the dragoman's halting, broken jargon interspersed with Italian and German words it will grate on you as it grated on me.

"Which brings us back to the question before the house. What do we do with the Egyptian cat?" "Give it to Hassan," Scotty suggested with a smile. The dragoman's pleasant black face assumed an air of great sadness. "Cat's nice," he said. "But no can take. Too much cost for food." Rick smiled at the joke, then suddenly he realized Hassan was not joking. He was genuinely sad!

He would be found in an oasis not more than two days' journey from Laghouat, so the hunter said, but the dragoman's opinion was that the old hunter was not very sure; Tahar would be found there, and if he were not there he was for certain in another oasis three or four days still farther south. "But I cannot travel all over the Sahara in search of eagles."

The sale in mummied hawks, gilded rams' horns, broken tiles with beetles flying out of the sun, boats of the gods, and gods themselves, was brisk round this ancient gentleman, who advertised a blue mummy-cap by wearing it on his bald pate, and seemed to possess as many royal scarabs as a dressmaker has pins. Afterward I learned that he was our dragoman's father; but I was loyal and did not tell.

Scotty took a sip from his steaming cup and turned to Hassan. "You ever play football?" Hassan stumbled over the word. "Footsball? What are footsball?" "Never mind." Scotty grinned. "The way you took that clerk out, I thought you might have played blocking back for the Green Bay Packers." The dragoman's bewilderment deepened. Rick came to his rescue. "Football is an American game, Hassan.