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She was a Piedmontese, for in her hair she wore several of those large pins with round heads of silver filigree placed in a semicircle at the back of her head, until they formed a kind of halo. "The Signore Dottore is at home," was her reply in Italian. "Be pleased to enter." And she showed me along a narrow hall to what was evidently Moroni's waiting-room.

On the following day, the Dottore A. Passani, an advocate of Carrara, called, and brought Sir Moses several of his father's letters, some dated as far back as 1790; they were all in Italian, and beautifully written.

Lastly, the masks used in after times for the standing characters of the Latin popular comedy or the Atellana, as it was called: Maccus the harlequin, Bucco the glutton, Pappus the good papa, and the wise Dossennus masks which have been cleverly and strikingly compared to the two servants, the -pantalon- and the -dottore-, in the Italian comedy of Pulcinello already belonged to the earliest Latin popular art.

But I don't quite see how the behaviour of the prima donna on the stage could have had anything to do with the circumstance of the Marchese Ludovico's engagement to the Signorina Foscarelli," said the lawyer, with the most demure innocence of manner. "You don't see it, Signor Dottore. Perhaps you were not in the theatre that night. If you had been you would have seen it fast enough.

She made him walk by her and put his hand under the padrone's shoulder. Madonna!" They turned away from the village into a narrow path that led into the hills. "And I came to fetch you, Signor Dottore. Perhaps the povero signore is not really dead. Perhaps you can save him, Signor Dottore!" "Chi lo sa?" replied the doctor. He had let his cigar go out and did not know it.

"Why they say, Signor Dottore some of them some of them are wicked enough to say that that dear blessed child has it is enough to blister one's tongue to say it has done that dreadful thing; Santa Maria abbia misericordia that murder in the forest. O Dio mio! Why " "Is she any relative of yours, Signora, the Signorina Paolina Foscarelli?" asked the lawyer, quietly.

I received the message only within the last half-hour. Can you tell me if she is easier?" The girl shook her head, slowly. She was very quiet, but seemed dazed. "No. It is impossible that my mother can live. I came at six o'clock. She saw me, and knew me, then. The priest is with her now; and the Signor Dottore is waiting, in the sala. Please to come in, Eccellenze.

That same evening, in the fever ward of a Milan hospital, two figures were standing beside a narrow cot in earnest consultation. The patient was a child of ten. The little face had the look of many another little fever-stricken face, but the hair that lay tossed upon the pillow was of exceptional beauty. "Can we save her, Signor Dottore?" It was the nun who spoke.

But stay what is this? a letter addressed to me 'Al Chiarmo Signor Dottore Giovacchino Fortini. To be opened only after my death, and in case my death shall happen within one year from the present time! Perhaps this may render any further doubts as to the conduct we ought to pursue unnecessary. Let us see."

That loquacious pedant, the Dottore, was taken from the lawyers and the physicians, babbling false Latin in the dialect of learned Bologna.