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Brady and Senator Dorsey, the active agent in the campaign in Indiana, were accused of being in the "ring" and were indicted on the ground of conspiracy to defraud the government.

McLendon telegraphed to Bainbridge Colby, Secretary of State, who answered: "The matter to which you refer is not within the province of this Department and I am not in a position to give you any advice with regard thereto." She next asked Governor Dorsey to call an extra session of the Legislature to provide some way for the women to vote in the general election, but he said he could not.

"I'm much obliged, Pa," he said. After a few weeks at Master Swaney's school, Abe had to stop and go to work again. When he was seventeen, he had a chance to attend another school kept by Azel Dorsey. Nearly every Friday afternoon there were special exercises and the scholars spoke pieces. For the final program on the last day of school, the boys had built a platform outside the log schoolhouse.

"Match this," he continued, reaching for his check-book and fountain pen and quickly filling out a check payable to "Cash" for ten thousand dollars, which he laid on the hardwood bar. "Match that, or admit you're a cheap, loud-howlin' bluffer!" Dorsey paused just an instant as he noted the amount of the check.

For a second the Ramblin' Kid's eyes narrowed, then he replied coldly to the last half of Dorsey's sentence: "Well, th' filly's been runnin' in that neighborhood an'" with a laugh that had in it just the hint of a sneer "she's pretty fair good enough, I figure, to beat hell out of old Thunderbolt!" "Are you backing that with money?" Dorsey and Flip spoke together.

The Vermejo crowd, with Dorsey himself mounted on Thunderbolt, had a place just ahead of Skinny and Carolyn June. The beautiful black Y-Bar stallion was really a wonderful horse. Speed, strength and endurance radiated with every movement of the glossy, subtle body. Without doubt he was the most handsome animal on the grounds.

"You put it on me," he said to Old Heck "but the Ramblin' Kid won square and I'm not squealing!" Old Heck turned the check slowly over in his hand and looked at it with a quizzical frown on his face: "I reckon this is good?" "It's my exact balance," Dorsey replied; "I saw to that this morning."

"Mamie she couldn't wear them 'ere." "So you haven't any flannel shirts?" Maria asked of Mamie. "I'm wearin' mummer's," said Mamie. "Mummer's they shrunk so she couldn't wear 'em, and Jessy couldn't nuther." "What is your mother wearing?" asked Maria. "Mr. John Dorsey he bought her some new ones," replied Mamie, and a light of evil intelligence came into the mean little face. "Who is Mr.

"He is covering my old territory in Southern Illinois and Indiana. I will take the cash first, please." Perry Dorsey, the teller, was already arranging his cash on the counter for the examiner's inspection. He knew it was right to a cent, and he had nothing to fear, but he was nervous and flustered. So was every man in the bank.

This made the colored and white people very friendly. "Pap was given holidays when he wanted. I do not know whether he worked on Saturdays or not. On Sunday we went to church. "My father was owned by a man by the name of Mr. Dorsey. My mother was bound out by Mr. Dorsey to a man by the name of Mr. Morris of Frederick County. "I have never heard of many ghost stories.