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The Strangler glided like a reptile along the sides of the ajoupa, and, crawling on his belly, arrived at the sleeping-mat of Djalma, beside which he squatted himself, so as to occupy as little space as possible. Then began a fearful scene, by reason of the mystery and silence which surrounded it. Djalma's life was at the mercy of the Strangler.

Some hours have elapsed, since the Strangler introduced himself into Djalma's cabin, and tattooed him with a mysterious sign during his sleep. A horseman advances rapidly down a long avenue of spreading trees.

The young lady, with her back still turned towards Djalma, arranged her hair with graceful art, took off the network which formed her head-dress, placed it on the chimney-piece, and began to unfasten her gown; then, withdrawing from the looking-glass, she disappeared for an instant from Djalma's view.

Adrienne, on her part, when she heard the accusation, yielding to a first impulse of just indignation, even as Djalma had yielded to one of blind fury, rose abruptly, with offended pride flashing from her eyes; but, almost immediately appeased by the consciousness of her own purity, her charming face resumed its expression of adorable serenity. It was then that her eyes met Djalma's.

The young Indian reflected for a moment, and then resumed, "I must have friends, since I am here in a palace that does not belong to me." "Certainly you have friends excellent friends," answered Rodin. At these words, Djalma's countenance seemed to acquire fresh beauty.

She remained, therefore, and was about to examine closely, to hear and to judge, this rival, who had nearly occasioned her death, to whom, in her jealous agony, she had ascribed so many different aspects, in order to explain Djalma's love for such a creature. Rose-Pompon, whose presence caused such deep emotion in Mdlle. de Cardoville, was dressed in the most showy and extravagant bad taste.

The latter, afterwards informed of these details by Mother Bunch, felt a double degree of confidence and interest in Florine, took her back into her service with gratitude, and almost immediately charged her with a confidential mission that of superintending the arrangements of the house hired for Djalma's habitation.

Two hours have elapsed since he committed a double murder, and believed that he had killed Adrienne in a fit of jealous fury. The servants of Mdlle. de Cardoville, accustomed to Djalma's daily visits, no longer announced his arrival, and admitted him without difficulty, having received no orders to the contrary from their mistress.

This attack was so abrupt and unforseen, that Djalma's servant could not even utter a single cry, a single groan. He tottered the Strangler gave a vigorous pull at the cord the bronzed countenance of the slave became purple, and he fell upon his knees, convulsively moving his arms. Then the Strangler threw him quite down, and pulled the cord so violently, that the blood spurted from the skin.

Guessing by Djalma's question the means which Mahal had employed to draw him into the snare, the Indian hoped to gain time by prolonging his error. "You knew this Frenchman?" asked Djalma of the Phansegar. "He appointed us to meet here, as he did you," answered the Indian. "For what?" inquired Djalma, more and more astonished. "You will know when he arrives."