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By the way, I've heard his name mentioned with another woman's name. But I happen to know there's nothing in it. 'Would you really like her to marry soon? Anne asked. 'In her position it would be better, I suppose, said her guardian, with obvious distaste to the idea. 'Has there ever been anyone that you thoroughly approved of? asked Anne. He shook his head.

I went along the lane towards Woking, the lane down which we had walked five months ago in the wind and rain. I mooned for a time in our former footsteps, then swore and turned back across the fields, and then conceived a distaste for Cothope and went Downward. At last I found myself looking down on the huge abandoned masses of the Crest Hill house. That gave my mind a twist into a new channel.

The very fact that there was so much in her life that must be hidden led to a strong distaste for all that was misleading in non-essentials. "I am going to church with you to-day," said Graydon, "and I shall try to behave." "Try to! You cannot sit with me unless you promise to behave." "That is the way to talk to men," said Mrs. Muir, who was completely under her husband's thumb.

Her lips are your welcome, and your entertainment her company, which is put into the reckoning too, and is the dearest parcel in it. No citizen's wife is demurer than she at the first greeting, nor draws in her mouth with a chaster simper; but you may be more familiar without distaste, and she does not startle at anything.

As she drove toward the house several hours after announcing her plan of campaign to her mother, she found Massachusetts Avenue blocked with carriages and recalled suddenly that Tuesday was "Representatives' day." She gave a little laugh as she imagined Mrs. Madison's plaintive distaste.

What impelled him to this step we know not, whether it was distaste for the career before him, or purely military enthusiasm.

Men fell over him and trampled upon him, but it all seemed very dim and far away. He only knew, as he pressed with his thumbs, that the man's teeth wavered reluctantly. After that, as he crawled out of the fringe of the melee and came to his feet by the side of the bar, all distaste for fighting left him.

At the end of ten years the once defeated union was strong enough to enforce its demands for a union shop and in spite of the distaste of the firm for the arrangement, no obstacle to harmonious relations with the union remained but for the refusal of the trade-unionists to receive as one of their members the old crippled employee, whose spirit was broken as last and who was now willing to join the union and to stand with his old enemies for the sake of retaining his place.

A look of distaste crossed Anthony's face. "Please CHERIE!" he begged. There was a silence brimming with sweetness and colour. Tony laid his hand against her knee, groped until her own warm, smooth fingers were in his own. "Does Mr. Carter play golf to-morrow?" he asked, presently. "I suppose so!" "And you what do you do?" "Oh, I have a full day! People to lunch, friends of Madame Carter- "

Possibly her own indolence about it, and her distaste for going into the question of money and accounts, was a fault with which she should have reproached herself, because she might have begun to do good sooner, had she chosen. But she did not think of that. She would begin with the new year.