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He knew how she would turn toward the door as he entered, with her way of arching eyebrows, in the manner of one about to recite the symptoms of a change for the worse or at best to say "about the same" to everything in the universe. And when Kate Kerr spoke, she always whispered on the faintest provocation. A sudden distaste for the entire inside of his house seized Ebenezer.

This has more to do than we are apt to think with the distaste for the country, unless several servants are kept, some for this work only. In the old type of city house the travel up-and down-stairs to answer bell and telephone has demanded strength of back not possessed by the modern maid. The house is not yet adapted to the new demands of the workers, and they shun it.

Then he faced Austen again. "Did you tell Gaylord this?" he asked. Austen made a gesture of distaste, and turned away. "No," he said, "I reserved the opinion, whatever it is worth, for your ears alone." "I've heard that kind of calculation before," said the Honourable Hilary. "My experience is that they never come to much.

But, strangely, after the first excitement of his return was over, a cool distaste descended upon her. Before the first weeks of the new life were over, she found herself watching her husband with almost hostile eyes. It must be wrong for a wife to feel so abysmal so overwhelming an indifference toward the man whose name she bore.

He murmured, "Good-night" and glided away rigidly. Young Powell asked himself with some distaste what was the meaning of these utterances. His mind had been worried at last into that questioning attitude by no other person than the grotesque Franklin. Suspicion was not natural to him. And he took good care to carefully separate in his thoughts Mrs.

But I came to them with a wearied mind and eye; and also I had a previous distaste to them through the medium of engravings. But what a noble palace, nobly enriched, is this Hampton Court!

Absolutely selfish as her motive may have been in the first place, these last days had shown her that another element was now involved. Her longing to be an actress remained the same. Her distaste for the idea of life at the parsonage in Enderby had been increased almost to horror by the glimpses she had had through her friend's letters of what seemed to her its dreary and complacent domesticity.

"I don't hardly remember havin' one since I was little." The child had resumed the rôle of Buddhistic calm temporarily abandoned last night when he screamed out his distaste for earthly complications, and Raven, glancing at the solemn blue eyes, saw that the only hope of moving her lay in him. "Do you want," he shot at random, "to have the baby get chilled and hungry?"

Franklin's disappointments and bickerings in London in the same cause of commercial treaties, he looked forward with growing distaste to the difficulties and diplomatic struggles before him; for Mr. Jefferson was always more ready to lead than to combat.

"Let me warn you," said Lucian to Alice, "that my cousin's pet caprice is to affect a distaste for art, to which she is passionately devoted; and for literature, in which she is profoundly read." "Cousin Lucian," said Lydia, "should you ever be cut off from your politics, and disappointed in your ambition, you will have an opportunity of living upon art and literature.