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"And the other?" said his daughter, proudly, as he paused. "The other," said the captain, as he came round the table and put his hand on her shoulder, "is my dear and obedient daughter." "Yes," said Miss Nugent; "but that isn't what you were going to say. You need not worry about me; I shall not do anything that would displease you."

Butler it may hurt the man himself, who is well-to-do better off than he seems; and who, I hope, with grace, may be a sincere penitent; and it will also but that is nothing very seriously displease me. By the by, Hannah, I shall be able to get your grandson into the Free School."

What was their surprise when they discovered that the king had indeed determined to procrastinate, but in such a way as to displease the absolutists as much as the friends of constitutional government? No sooner had the news of his father's death reached Peter at Rio Janeiro, than he issued a charter of 145 clauses, conferring a constitution on Portugal.

"The emperor," wrote Lord Wiltshire to Henry, "is stiffly bent against your Grace's matter, and is most earnest in it; while the pope is led by the emperor, and neither will nor dare displease him." From that quarter, so long as parties remained in their existing attitude, there was no hope.

Our want of trust in God's power must displease Him.

The Governor instantly brightened, and gave the stranger a warm greeting, calling him his "dear Chevalier;" and, after a deal of urging, the Chevalier de la Darante was seated as one of my judges: which did not at all displease me, for I liked his face. I do not need to dwell upon the trial here. I have set down the facts before. I had no counsel and no witnesses.

Here is the reason why those objects that please him in one season displease him in another: these objects have not themselves sensibly changed; but his organs, his dispositions, his ideas, his mode of seeing, his manner of feeling, have changed: such is the source of man's inconstancy.

That her complexion matched her shirt in colour or rather in all absence of it that her face was thin, its contours hardened, her eyebrows drawn into a little frown, her eyes enormous, sombre and clouded as with meditative thought, increased, in Carteret's estimation, assurance of her regained self-mastery and composure. Nor did a reticence in her manner displease him.

It has been death to venture within their limits, and almost as fatal to displease them by speaking ill of them, or by harming any of their subjects. Hence we know nothing of their villages, or their numbers, or their policy whether they die like ourselves, or if the copy of nature be eternal in them.

He was the champion of the Indians when to advocate their cause was to displease many. He was one of the earliest opponents of the slave-trade and slavery. He omitted no opportunity to protest against war and its iniquity, and he branded as piracy the custom of privateering, however sanctioned by international usages. As a statesman and philosopher his name is imperishable.