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You had much better have joined our mess at once. You're not the first greenhorn that they have plucked. Well," said he, as he walked away, "keep the key of your own chest that's all." When he left me I went on the quarter-deck. All the sailors were busy at work, and the first lieutenant cried out to the gunner, "Now, Mr Dispart, if you're ready, we'll breech these guns."

And Alsace became French once more. What a thing to graft two French provinces to the living body of Germany for fifty years and then dispart, when the blood has learned to flow strongly from the new flesh to the heart! You feel the break, the interruption, when you go there now. And now the same two provinces, heavily Germanized, are re-grafted back to the original flesh of France.

Presently, too, their hands came together, and such was the swift sympathy between these shapely creatures did not dispart. And suddenly, kindled to passion by her warm touch and breathing presence, stabbed with the fear that this was the last time he would see her, he told her that for the first time in his life he knew the meaning of love.

"Yes," replied Jack, "I can raise a perpendicular, at all events, and box the compass." "Yes, but you have not yet arrived at the dispart of the compass." "Not come to that yet," replied Jack. "Are you aware that a ship sailing describes a parabola round the globe?" "Not come to that yet," replied Jack. "And that any propelled body striking against another flies off at a tangent?"

"'Mr Dispart, said I, at last, 'allow me to observe, in the most delicate way in the world, that you're a d d old fool. You see, Mr Simple, it's the duty of an officer to generalise, and be attentive to parts, only in consideration of the safety of the whole.

"I understand, Mr Easy," said the gunner to him one day, after they had sailed for Malta, "that you have entered into the science of navigation at your age it was high time." "Yes," replied Jack, "I can raise a perpendicular, at all events, and box the compass." "Yes, but you have not yet arrived at the dispart of the compass." "Not come to that yet," replied Jack.

"Well, Mr Simple," continued he, after a pause, "it is, however, a great comfort to me that I have parted company with that fool, Mr Muddle, with his twenty-six thousand and odd years, and that old woman, Dispart, the gunner. You don't know how those two men used to fret me; it was very silly, but I couldn't help it.

But as Mr Trotter had warned me that the midshipmen would abuse them, I paid very little attention to what he said. When he left me I went on the quarter-deck. All the sailors were busy at work, and the first lieutenant cried out to the gunner, "Now, Mr Dispart, if you are ready, we'll breech these guns."

"You certainly must find some difference between the company in London and that of the warrant officers." "It's many years back now, sir; but I can't get over the feeling. I can't 'sociate with them at all. A man may have the feelings of a gentleman, although in a humble capacity; but how can I be intimate with such people as Mr Dispart or Mr Muddle, the carpenter?

The Separatists, it may be observed, were so called because their aim was to dispart themselves entirely from the orthodox communion; the Puritans were willing to remain in the fold, but had it in mind to purify it, by degrees, from the defilement which they held it to have contracted.