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"But what if I, not knowing the rules of the game, should think myself on the corner of the veldt or in an Indian's tepee, and hit out?" "You do not carry derringers?" He smiled. "No; but " He glanced down at his arms. "Well, well; that will come one day, perhaps!" Lord Faramond paused, abstracted, then added: "But not through you. Good-bye, then, good-bye. Little Grapnel in ten days!"

I ain't hankerin' arter THAT either, but come you shall!" "Give your signal and have an end of this," said the major curtly. The sheriff looked at him again curiously. "I never had my hands in another man's pockets before, major, but I reckon I'll have to take your derringers from yours." He slipped his hand into the major's waistcoat and secured the weapons.

"Perhaps you'd like to take it now," said Lance, handing her the pistol. "I've seen six-shooters before now," said the girl, evading the proffered weapon and its suggestion. "Dad has one, and my brother had two derringers before he was half as big as me." She stopped to observe in her companion the effect of this capacity of her family to bear arms. Lance only regarded her amusedly.

Their pistols were not so good as mine they were double-barreled, muzzle-loading derringers, with only two shots. "Things culminated on a moonlight night when we were charging along before a quartering whole sail breeze, making, I should judge, about eleven knots. I was on lookout, as usual, and keeping a good one I know, even though my eyes would half close at times from sheer need of sleep.

But the immediate problem of Sheriff Carter, as it is the immediate concern of this story, was to capture the murderers. Carter went armed with proper legal documents, handcuffs, and a pair of derringers for the sheriff of Nevada County could shoot straight simultaneously with both hands.

If you please, in these circumstances, I shall remain." "You are armed?" she asked simply. I inserted a finger in each waistcoat pocket and showed her the butts of two derringers; and at the back of my neck to her smiling amusement at our heathen fashion I displayed just the tip of the haft of a short bowie-knife, which went into a leather case under the collar of my coat.

Charley was old-fashioned in his ways of fighting. He always had a six-shooter in his belt, same as other folks; but he said he kept it mainly for show. Derringers, he said, was better and surer because you could work 'em around in your pocket while the other fellow was getting his gun out, and before he was ready for business you could shoot him right through your pants.

In addition, instead of the gunbelts which all the men wore as a matter of course, Faquita had tucked a pair of derringers in the front of her sash belt. Their small grips showed above the faded silk folds. "She goin’ with us?" the Kentuckian asked, as the girl kicked dust over the campfire and stowed the empty pot in the cart. "Ain’t that dangerousfor her?"

And their war weapons were laid away by the sides of the lifeless bones that had wielded them rusty old horse-pistols, derringers, pepper-boxes, five-barrelled fantastiques, Kentucky long riffles, muskets handled in trade by John Company and Hudson's Bay, shark-tooth swords, wooden stabbing-knives, arrows and spears bone-headed of the fish and the pig and of man, and spears and arrows wooden-headed and fire-hardened.