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"I think the same, and that the deil's got into 'em," said Captain Gillespie gravely, wrinkling up his nose so much and nodding his head, and looking so like an old owl in the bright light of the moon which had rapidly risen, and was already shining with all the fulness and brilliancy it has in these southern latitudes, that it was as much as I could do to keep from bursting out laughing and so betraying my presence in the top above his head.

"The deil's in the daidling body," muttered Jeanie between her teeth; "wha wad hae thought o' his daikering out this length?"

Just as I had succeeded in attaining the proper degree of mental abstraction with which it is necessary to contemplate Niagara, a ragged drosky-driver came up, "Yer honour, may be ye're in want of a carriage? I'll take ye the whole round Goat Island, Whirlpool, and Deil's Hole for the matter of four dollars."

"Better hae stapt it afore this," said Archee; "he has said ower meikle, or not aneuch, The Deil's malison on thee, fellow, for a prophet of ill! Hast thou aught to allege why his Majesty should not tuck thee up with a halter?" "I have spoken," responded the Puritan; "let the King do with me what he lists." "Seize him! arrest him! ye are nearest to him, Sir," shouted the king to Jocelyn.

Immediately on the other side it went down through the Deil's Hags, a considerable marshy hollow of the hill tops, full of springs, and crouching junipers, and pools where the black peat-water slumbered. There was no view from here.

Colonel Mannering had recourse to his handkerchief; Pleydell made wry faces, and wiped the glasses of his spectacles; and honest Dinmont, after two loud blubbering explosions, exclaimed, 'Deil's in the man! he's garr'd me do that I haena done since my auld mither died. 'Come, come, said the Counsellor at last, 'silence in the court.

'Oh, yes, I know that, said Vandeloup, much interested; 'do you christen all your nuggets? 'If they're big enough, replied Archie. 'Then I hope you will find a hundred-ounce lump of gold, and call it the Vandeloup, returned the young man, laughing. There's mony a true word spoke in jest, laddie, said Archie, gravely; 'when we get to the Deil's Lead we may find ain o' that size.

He arrived with a hurried pace, and, casting an alarmed glance towards the dial-plate of the church, then looking at the place where the coach should have been, exclaimed, "Deil's in it I am too late after all!" The young man relieved his anxiety, by telling him the coach had not yet appeared.

Crossing the braes, he hears the clatter of a horse's shoes, and claps down incontinent in a hag by the wayside. "Montroymont," the curate said, "the deil's in 't but I'll have to denunciate your leddy again." "Deil's in 't indeed!" says the laird. "Man! can ye no induce her to come to the kirk?" pursues Haddo; "or to a communion at the least of it?

"The deil's in Gabriel said the spearman, as the fragments of glowing wood floated half blazing, half sparkling, but soon extinguished, down the stream the deil's in the man! The behaviour of the huntsman struck Brown, although he had no recollection of his face, nor could conceive why he should, as it appeared he evidently did, shun his observation.