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Every one understands and feels deeply the difference between the museum palace or the period rooms of the commonplace decorator, and such a marvellous, living, breathing, palatial home as that "Italian palace" in Boston, Massachusetts, created, not inherited, by Mrs. John L. Gardner.

"Did I remember everything?" she asked anxiously, jumping down from the rock. "Who's next?" Jerry politely waved Isobel to the top. Isobel laughed in her effort to frame all that she wanted to wish. "I just want to be the most famous decorator in the country. I want to have women coming to me from all over, begging me to do their houses.

Childe Hassam's lunette, said to represent "Fruit and Flowers," is almost anaemic alongside Mathews' fullness of expression. Nobody ever suspected Childe Hassam of being a decorator, no matter how admittedly important a place he holds in the field of easel painting. The composition of his decorations is frugal in every sense, largely owing to the small scale of his figures.

Pinky and in fact the entire Brewster household had thought these massive atrocities the last word in artistic ornament. By the time she reached her sophomore year, Pinky had prevailed upon her mother to banish them to the dining-room. Then two years later, when the Chicago decorator did over the living-room and the dining-room, the crayons were relegated to the upstairs hall.

"May I go on now, aunty?" asked Fred; "it seems to me that Emma is talking a vast deal of nonsense, as usual." But Emma was not to be put off so. "Aunty," she said, "what is a decorator?" "A person who decorates; that is, adorns or beautifies. Why do you ask, my child?" "It means a scene-painter too; a man who paints scenery for the stage," said Fred.

This leads one to venture the thought that the similar decorative embellishments of the Renaissance châteaux of the Loire country were slowly creeping northward, and leaving their impress upon the work of the ecclesiastical builder and decorator.

I find the middle path the more conservative, and while regarding many of the designs as highly conventionalized symbols, believe that there are also many where the decorator had no thought of symbolism. I have ventured an explanation of a few of the former. Terraced figures are among the most common rectangular elements in Pueblo ceramic decorations.

He has got on wonderfully as upholsterer, decorator, and auctioneer. It is a very handsome one, with a garden that gets the prizes at the horticultural shows. They are thoroughly good people, but I was afraid afterwards that there had been a good deal of noisiness among the young folks at Christmas. Hubert Delrio was there, and I fancy there was some nonsense going on." "Ah, the Delrios!

When one realises the eternal borrowing of one country from another, the ever-recurring renaissance of past periods and the legitimate and illegitimate mixing of styles, it is no wonder that the amateur feels nervously uncertain, or frankly ignorant. Many a professional decorator hesitates to give a final judgment.

His heart and soul and brain was in this, his business instincts and his soft domestic side. His brain, after working at top speed during the day with the architect, the painter and decorator, the furnisher, the garden expert, the plumbing expert, the electric-light expert, the lawyer, the estate agent, and numberless other persons, during the night meditated and evolved advertisements.