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As it is my belief that the cura of Villallos is a person capable of any infamy, I beg leave humbly to intreat your Lordship to cause a copy of the above narration to be forwarded to the Spanish government. I have the honour to remain, My Lord, Your Lordship's most obedient, To the Right Honourable LORD WILLIAM HERVEY. After the rescue of Lopez we proceeded in the work of distribution.

In going up the small river Cura towards its source, the mountains of Mariara are seen advancing into the plain in the form of a vast amphitheatre, composed of perpendicular rocks, crowned by peaks with rugged summits. The range stretching to the east is called El Chaparro; that to the west, Las Viruelas.

I wandered over Europe, plunged into a thousand scenes of turmoil and excitement it was all useless still the shadow went with me. Crime is a terrible companion to have ever at your elbow. The Atra cura of the poet is nothing to it, friend! It is a fiend which will not be driven away. It grins, and gibbers, and utters its gibes, day and night.

"Living there, which he could not have done here unless he had been bullet-proof, or had a neck harder than the iron collar of the garrote." "Herrera!" repeated the cura musingly "I know the name, but there are many who bear it. There was a Manuel Herrera who sat in the Cortes in the days of the constitutionalists, and afterwards commanded a battalion of their rabble. You do not mean him?"

All of these have to report to the alcalde of the province any thing of importance occuring within their districts, and are commanded severally to assist and promote the views of the cura, or priest, by every means in their power. Most of the people who fill these situations are Indians or Mestizos, rather better off in worldly goods than the run of their countrymen.

Money matters are beneath the concern of one who lives upon the Horatian plan Crescentum sequitur cura pecuniam." Meanwhile, Biddy, having consulted a slate that hung in the corner, told us our reckoning came to 8s. 7d. "Eight shillings and seven pence!" cried Strap, "'tis impossible! you must be mistaken, young woman."

* Cura de los Palacios. On the same night that these reproaches were uttered the marques directed the artillery himself: he levelled the lombards at the bottom of the walls and at the gates. In a little while the gates were battered to pieces, a great breach was effected in the walls, and the Moors were fain to capitulate.

These last-named rocks are auriferous in the Quebrada del Oro, near Guigue; and between Villa de Cura and the Morros de San Juan, in the mountain of Chacao. The gold is contained in pyrites, which are found sometimes disseminated almost imperceptibly in the whole mass of the gneiss,* and sometimes united in small veins of quartz.

The principal men of the place had been invited to dine with them cura, padres, alcalde, and all. The capture of the outlaw was a theme of public gratulation and rejoicing; and the Comandante and his captain to whom was due the credit were determined to rejoice. To that end the banquet was spread in the Presidio. It was not thought worth while to remove Carlos to the soldiers' prison.

Lawyers declare what is just, what unjust, and in all arts and sciences, they who professedly place their labour and study in the polishing and practising of the same, both use and ought to direct the judgments of others.” Since therefore the ministers of the church are those quibus ecclesiae cura incumbit vel maxime, since they do above and before the civil magistrate devote themselves to the care and knowledge of things pertaining to God and his worship, whereabout they profess to bestow their ordinary study and painful travail, were it not most repugnant to the law of natural reason to say that they ought not to direct, but be directed by, the magistrate in such matters?