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The sky was blue to welcome us, and housewifely Dutch angels were beating up the fat, white cloud-pillows before tucking them under the horizon out of sight. Even the air seemed to have been washed till it glittered with crystalline clearness that brought each feature of the landscape strangely close to the eyes. We were in the River Maas, which opened its laughing mouth wide to let in our boat.

It transpired that the red corpuscles are composed chiefly of a substance which Kuhne first isolated in crystalline form in 1865, and which was named haemoglobin a substance which has a marvellous affinity for oxygen, seizing on it eagerly at the lungs vet giving it up with equal readiness when coursing among the remote cells of the body.

For instance: these laws require, in order to produce the same effect, that the rays of light, in passing through water into the eye, should be refracted by a more convex surface than when it passes out of air into the eye. Accordingly we find that the eye of a fish, in that part of it called the crystalline lens, is much rounder than the eye of terrestrial animals.

It was in this way that we came to have the Christmas Tree in our house through memory of him and of those years. You have often described to me how you and he in summer went Alpine climbing, and far up in some green valley girdled with glaciers lay of afternoons under some fir tree, reading and drowsing in the crystalline air.

Every tree, every twig, seemed made of silver, being encased in hoar-frost, and as these moved very gently in the calm air for there was no breeze millions of crystalline points caught the sun's rays and scattered them around with dazzling lustre.

For, at that moment, on the branch of an acacia, just over her head, a goldfinch began to sing his thin, sweet, crystalline trill of song. "Do you call that grumbling?" she asked. "It implies a grumble," said Peter, "like the 'thank you' of a servant dissatisfied with his tip. It's the very least he can do. It's perfunctory I 'm not sure it is n't even ironical." "Perfunctory!

Where the veils had stretched between the perpendicular pillars of the cliffs was now a wide and ragged-edged opening. The roadway which had run so smoothly through the scarps was blocked by a thousand foot barrier. Over it, beyond it, I could see through the crystalline clarity of the air the opposing walls. "We can climb it," Ventnor said. We passed on and reached the base of the barrier.

As such it allows us to learn something concerning the origin in general of the crystalline realm of the earth; and, vice versa, our insight into the 'becoming' of this realm will enable us to see more clearly the universal function of which phosphorus is the main representative among the physical substances of the earth.

Thus the Antrim plateau, as originally constituted, lay in the lap of a range of hills formed of crystalline, or Lower Silurian, rocks; while the volcanic isles of the Inner Hebrides were enclosed between the solid range of the Archæan rocks of the Outer Hebrides on the one side, and the Silurian and Archæan ranges of the mainland on the other.

The hand in his grew heavier, but his grasp tightened on it. "Yet don't you think these last three days' companionship deserves a word of its own? Miss Barb, you've been and in my memory you will be henceforth a crystalline delight! The word's not mine, it's from one of my mother's sweetest things. Can't I say good-by, thou 'crystalline delight'?" "Why, Mr.