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In the first place, the free journals suffered from the difficulty which all true reformers have, that they have to begin by going against the stream. In the second place they suffered from that character of particularism or "crankiness," which was a necessary result of their Propagandist character. In the third place and this is most important they suffered economically.

On shipboard one fully appreciates the old adage that "Blessings brighten as they take their flight." Even the tiresome become interesting when we feel we may never see them again, while the hobbies, or crankiness of the singular become entirely bearable, when they are about to be lost sight of forever.

But it is more likely that our crankiness was the result of the supper we had eaten the previous night. Even children cannot devour mince pie, and cold fried pork ham, and fruit cake before going to bed with entire impunity. Aunt Janet had forgotten to warn Uncle Roger to keep an eye on our bedtime snacks, and we ate what seemed good unto us.

Only once in fact across the intervening chasm of crankiness did the Senior Surgeon hurl a smile that was even remotely self-conscious or conciliatory. Glancing up suddenly from a particularly sharp and disagreeable speech, he noted the White Linen Nurse's red lips mumbling softly one to the other. "Are you specially religious, Miss Malgregor?" he grinned quite abruptly.

She bemeaned him until at last I asked her why she didn't leave him, and added that I would not stand such crankiness for one moment. Then she poured out the vials of her wrath upon my head, only I don't think they were vials but barrels. About sundown we made it to where we intended to camp and found that Mrs.

"Well, salad, or sauces, or desserts, or cafe au lait in the morning, or candy, or tea," said Cyrilla. "Or it might be cigarettes, or all those things and thin stockings and low shoes mightn't it?" Never before had she known Cyrilla to say anything meddlesome or cattish. Said Mildred with a faint sneer, "That sounds like Mr. Keith's crankiness." "It is," replied Cyrilla.

In him more than in Jolyon, with his masterful will and his moments of tenderness and philosophy more than in Swithin, the martyr to crankiness Nicholas, the sufferer from ability and Roger, the victim of enterprise beat the true pulse of compromise; of all the brothers he was least remarkable in mind and person, and for that reason more likely to live for ever.

For one and a half years prior to admission hercrankinessis said to have become much worse. She complained continually of being tired; quarreled much with her mother; said she did not have enough to eat. It is also stated that she was constantly afraid of losing her job.

This was a fifteen to twenty ton boat almost as sharp at the stern as in the bow, carrying two masts, both cat-rigged. A perfect marvel of crankiness a boat so rigged would seem; but the New England seamen became so expert in handling them that they took them to all of the fishing banks, and even made cruises to the West Indies with cargoes of fish, bringing back molasses and rum.

In him more than in Jolyon, with his masterful will and his moments of tenderness and philosophy more than in Swithin, the martyr to crankiness Nicholas, the sufferer from ability and Roger, the victim of enterprise beat the true pulse of compromise; of all the brothers he was least remarkable in mind and person, and for that reason more likely to live for ever.