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Updated: January 25, 2025

In your letter of June 9, you admitted that Dr. Royce had 'transgressed the limits of courteous discussion' and that you 'do not defend in all respects the tone of the review. It is plain enough that you, Dr. Royce's own counsel, perceive at least something improper, something that ought to be retracted and apologized for.

This was the voice of the Marquis in a tone of surprise. "He saved my life, Marquis," was the sorrowful reply. "I have not paid back those forty pistoles, nor ever can, in spite of all." "Ah, pardon me, seigneur," was the courteous rejoinder of the General. That was all I heard, for I had entered the land of complete darkness.

It behoves us to take care how we give any injurious report of him to the caliph." Boubekir having thus wiped off the impression he had the day before given the people concerning Zeyn, returned home, put on his best apparel and went to visit the young prince, who gave him a courteous reception.

And so, when the Tolman brothers, who were apt to be quarrelsome with those "not in their class," showed a coldness toward Baldy that threatened to break into open hostility at the slightest excuse, Dubby promptly ranged himself on the side of the newcomer with a firmness that impressed even Tom, Dick, and Harry with a determination to be at least discreet if not courteous.

We found that here less damage had been done from heavy artillery, but all the edifices had suffered from close-range rifle fire. An English sentry was pacing up and down in front of the town hall. Over the entrance was nailed a Turkish towel on which a Red Cross was stained with human blood! "Prisoners?" I asked. "All wounded, thank you," was the courteous reply.

Give the young lady your hand, Peter. Can't you see the stones is slippy?" Peter was quite convinced that all members of the bourgeois class ought to be allowed, for the good of society, to break their legs on slippery rocks. But he was naturally a courteous man. He offered Miss Clarence an oily hand and she got safely into the boat.

The origin of this delicious lament over a venerable and more courteous past by so flagrant a type of modernity, was a statement that Sir William Harcourt had played the dirty trick of putting down a notice to suspend the twelve o'clock rule at a shorter notice than usual.

And during this exchange of confidences, while Emily and Mary took a brisk walk with the Crow and young Billy, Francis Markrute faced his lady's ducal father in the library. He had begun without any preamble, and with perfect calm; and the Duke, who was above all a courteous gentleman, had listened, first with silent consternation and resentment, and then with growing interest.

That made me spring lightly to my feet, I can tell you. Was she getting suspicious? Was she too courteous to suggest an extravagance the refusal of which might hurt my pride? Was she wondering why I seemed to have forgotten that I was starving to death, if not already starved? So I said in a tone of patient consideration, "Shall we wait any longer, Miss Lane?"

The stranger started violently, and turned upon the bed an eye at first alarmed, then rapidly becoming lit with indignation. "Who who is this?" he shouted. "That, sir that " stammered Mackenzie. "Is Count Bunker," said the Count, who remained entirely courteous in spite of the inconvenience of this intrusion. "Have I the pleasure of addressing Sir Justin Wallingford?" "You have, sir."

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